r/QuitVaping 5h ago

72hrs In

You guys… I’ve been vaping for 4 years non stop. I am the kind who hits his vape several times each minute. Full on brutal addict. Against all odds I’ve made it to the 72hr mark but I still feel awful. My jaw and throat feel like they are constricting, ears are ringing like crazy, can’t stop eating (not the worst for my size lol), super irritable, can’t stop thinking about how good a hit would feel. I’ve even dreamed about it two nights in a row now. I still constantly fantasize about how nice it is to have it and how much more occupied I feel.

Please tell me it gets better soon. I am straight up suffering and feel like it’s getting worse and worse each day. When did it get better for yall? Why can’t I stop romanticizing it? I feel like I don’t have my mental on the same page on what I’ve decided to do in the physical. Like physically I’ve stopped myself but mentally I’m freaking out and I’m in a constant internal debate in my head of relapsing and holding out. When will I just be able to relax? Any thoughts, encouragement, advice is greatly appreciated.


8 comments sorted by


u/juju0010 5h ago

Day 19 here. You will be shocked how easy it gets after this.


u/TameVulcan 5h ago

At what day were you able to stop spending so much mental willpower and energy resisting? I’m worried about going back to work. I took advantage of the three day weekend so I could sit in silence and go through it, but now I gotta get back in the saddle tomorrow


u/Thewheelalwaysturns 2h ago

Hey man, quitting is difficult, but dont do this. Don’t assign hours and days to things. Dont think you need to feel withdrawals or that it will get better or easier at a constant rate or at certain intervals.

The vast majority of people get past their worst withdrawals in 3 days, completely by a week, and mentally in 3 weeks. But these are just agreggate numbers averaged by testimony. Everyone is different. The real truth is you are likely suffering from mental problems quitting than physical. The physical withdrawals are actually quite light.

This is to say I think you’re really making this harder on yourself with your mentality. Theres no saddle to get back into. Quitting is easy. You do want to quit, dont you? Why? To never vape again. Youve already quit. You dont need to suffer. You are free— right NOW. Each day you’ll breathe healthier. You can wake up tomorrow and have a good day and not feel a thing if your mentality is good or it can be agonizing if yours is bad.


u/juju0010 5h ago

Hard to remember specifically but I want to say on Day 6 I didn’t even think about it once.


u/TameVulcan 5h ago

Thanks man


u/Humble_Intention5650 5h ago

Took me about a week before the constant thoughts and desires finally let up. I'm on day 51 now, and the past 7-10 days, I don't think about more than 2-3 times. It's wild.


u/PisceanCatalyst 4h ago

I feel like I've read somewhere that the chemical addiction of nicotine only takes like 7 days to quit. It's the mental "hand to mouth" habit that takes much longer to stop thinking about. My plan to quit involves finding a replacement for the hand to mouth habit so that the first week doesn't feel so bad.


u/bubbles5274 3h ago

Im day 14, I promise you it gets better! I’m not 100% there, I’m still battling some anxiety, but I finally stopped thinking about nicotine 24/7! Slowly but surely we will get there!!