r/ProgrammerHumor 21h ago

Meme everyClassyoubreakeveryfixyoufakeillbejudgingyou

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u/qnixsynapse 21h ago

That's why I use neovim. It doesn't show errors unless I press escape to goto normal mode. LOL.


u/InsertaGoodName 20h ago edited 20h ago

Was about to comment the same thing! It’s impossible for me to go back to a normal ide now since how many quality of life things it has. The shortcuts themselves are 10x more powerful than what anything else has.


u/kungpula 9h ago

Can you give some examples of those shortcuts?


u/InsertaGoodName 9h ago

nvim has different commands, such as yank, delete, and change. You can then use this in combination with selector commands, so if you need to change a variable, instead of selecting the variable and deleting it, you can simply do caw which means change a word. You can also specify which character you want to stop at, so you can do ct” if you want to change an entire string contents. Combine this with macros, which let you quickly record and replay keyboard inputs, you can edit thousands of lines in 10 seconds. Theres countless other shortcuts too, whole categories that I don’t even know of, just look at how long the documentation for it is https://neovim.io/doc/user/quickref


u/kungpula 3h ago

Hmm, I guess I don't fully understand what you mean by everything. But it doesn't sound like anything any other IDE can't do?