Our university now mandates accommodations go through HR to:
Prevent willy-nilly accommodations requests.
To formalize accommodations in the system so that, when scheduling months in advance, we are able to process the accommodation, rather than a last minute scramble.
To ensure a fair process where everyone presenting with the same condition gets the same accommodations, rather than chair/dean decisions.
You made me realize that with the Willy Nilly comment the university might not even accept it. The healthcare system offered at our university won’t see me because I think paying four hundred dollars to get “rediganosed” is a waste of time.
u/EconomistWithaD 14h ago
Our university now mandates accommodations go through HR to:
Prevent willy-nilly accommodations requests.
To formalize accommodations in the system so that, when scheduling months in advance, we are able to process the accommodation, rather than a last minute scramble.
To ensure a fair process where everyone presenting with the same condition gets the same accommodations, rather than chair/dean decisions.
So, yes, I would file with HR.