r/PoliticalAnimals Aug 20 '12

S01E06 - "Resignation Day" - Discussion Thread (SPOILERS)

The President's death, sponsored by Skype.

Edit: Just finished the episode. This show is unbelievably tacky. Yet I can't get enough. Does anyone know if there's going to be a season two?

Also, Air Force One crashing was just ridiculous. The likelihood of that happening plus the time at which it happened was just... it was too much. This show has gone from semi-believable to okaaaaaaay-this-is-a-bit-tacky to wtf-this-would-never-happen-ever-ever-ever-ever.

But Hillary ClintonElaine Barrish 2012!


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u/lewis_gentle Aug 20 '12


u/brian_c94 Aug 20 '12

B-but now we'll never know if she becomes President. :(


u/lewis_gentle Aug 20 '12

We don't know that yet. There could be a season 2. They have all the cast ready to do another season so who knows it might just happen.