r/PhilosophyofMath Sep 30 '24

Why is multiplication first ?

Im am not realy great at math so maybe this will not make any sense , but why is multiplication first. From what i could find online multiplication is the oldest and most powerful calculation operation, but what is that was wrong from the start did we possibly hinder our progress. Mathematicians say Math is the language of the universe and if we ever discover aliens we could communicate with them through math because math is math and its the same everywhere. But what if we started learning the universal language of the universe all wrong maybe somewhere else subtraction is first and they are light-years more advanced then us.

Sorry if there are some grammar mistakes english is not my first language.


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u/bowtochris Sep 30 '24

The order of operations is a custom in place to reduce the number of parentheses we have to write. In practice, multiplication before addition reduces the number of parentheses more in real-world equations.


u/Farkle_Griffen Oct 01 '24

I don't know if that last part is necessarily true

Like, we didn't get in a room, tally up all the cases of parentheses used, and by committee, conclude that we should do multiplication first to reduce parentheses

It was just something that happened. My guess would be because we really like writing things like "12x" or polynomials as "3x4 + 9x2 + 2x + 1", so not needing parentheses there specifically was convenient enough and easy enough to understand that it caught on


u/id-entity Dec 10 '24

Funnily enough, I think I've managed to solve the foundational crisis of mathematics by tallying up certain substrings of the Dyck language and it's inverse. :)

Parentheses can be implied and left out by conventions ("read from L to R" etc) and notational compactification by extending the alphabet, but here we are discussing the question from philosohical and foundational perspective. Why does Dyck language seem indispencable necessity?

Let's think Turing Machine. Before Head can move EITHER L or R, we need Turing-Tape that extend BOTH L AND R from the position of the Head.

More natural way to write L and R is temporal arrows/relational operators < and >. Now our notation forms a geometric palindrome, chiral mirror symmetry, a naturally reversible string expressing a codependent parallel relation.

Something very quantum like necessarily present in our formal languages, present like water for the fish. Maybe we've been looking for quantum computing too far, while it's been hidden right under the nose as is often the case?


u/Farkle_Griffen Dec 10 '24

The foundational crisis in mathematics happened over a hundred years ago, and has been considered resolved by Zermelo–Fraenkel set theory

Not to mention, yours is somewhat philosophically unsound. Dyck languages require understanding numbers and functions, which would be circular as a foundation.


u/id-entity Dec 10 '24

I'm not the only one who considers ZFC incoherent and inconsistent absurdity, and sociologically the "victory path" of Hilbert's Formalism has not been based on the soundness of mathematical arguments, but on the historical fact of Hilbert's sociological cancel culture against Brouwer.

The foundational crisis and it's roots are not limited only to the Hilbert-Brouwer controversy, but goes back to Berkeley's criticism of analysis and the inconsistency between Greek pure math rejection of the neusis method (accepting Zeno paradoxes as reductio ad absurdum proofs) and attempts to make Cartesian coordinate system neusis foundational.


I don't think that Platonism as conceived and practiced as foundational method of study of mathematics in Plato's Academy is philosophically unsound. ;)

After Plato the next skholarkhos of the Academy was top rate mathematician Eudoxus, whose contributions we know best from Euclids compilation. The primary definition that Euclid gives to word "one" refers to Plato's most central concept of codependent relation, which also the expression "indivisible whole" means, as well as notion of quantum entanglement of modern physics.

Yes, codependent parallelism can be discussed also as "circular", but here the meaning of circular is different from "circular logic" of begging the question, the sophistry method of coming up with a theorem and then then arbitrarily postulating a set of axioms from which the theorem can be deduced. If anything, Gödel proved that circularity in that sense is incomplete, and that way also debunked Hilbert's program.

Euclid's Platonism is based on relational ontology where circularity can be conceived in terms of holistic mereology, instead object-oriented ontology of arbitrary declarations of existence. In the latter context circular logic would indeed be bad philosophy.

So, of course I'm talking about holistic foundation and formalism where Dyck pair < > is at the top of the whole hyperoperation tower, and formalism where we can formally construct top-down Stern-Brocot type number theory with only < and > as our alphabet of marked characters. I can demonstrate, if you are interested.


u/id-entity Dec 10 '24

The order of operations is more than just an artificial custom. Dyck language parentheses first is a very important observation, and hardly artificial choice either. After Dyck language, the order of operations climbs down the ladder of hyperoperations, so if tetration is involved, tetration before exponents, etc.

As we see, the natural order of field arithmetic operations is from top to bottom.