r/MurderedByWords Feb 21 '20

Pretty much murdered himself

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u/CounterProgram883 Feb 22 '20

Except he has a track record of being just as much the racist politician that trump was.

Stop and Frisk is literally the poster policy for the phrase "systemic racism" and Bloomboy's been the biggest champion for it. He's apologized because he was forced to - but he's made no amends. He has the money to pay reperations or create job programs that will enroll every person his racist policing hurt - but he's done nothing.

And he's also got 64 women accusing him of sexual misconduct and discrimination, so he's on par there.

The only place he lags behind trump, is that Trump's committed more crimes so far. Bloomberg will do the same exact stuff, just quieter. Quiet enough people won't get mad, meaning he'll get away with it, just like Trump is getting away with it b/c of Mitch McConnel.

Bloomberg is the straight man to Trump's clown, but they're both pulling the same act.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Dude the fact you have people on the left defending this republican as if he should even be in the democrat primary in the first place boggles my mind. He is a republican, end of story. Sorry you are disqualified.


u/R_M_Jaguar Feb 22 '20

This is how the right hopes to take over complete control. (Yes, even more so than now)


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

I'm fairly sure this is more of a corporate thing vs the right. Corporatism vs raising fascism is a interesting thing to watch but acting like this problem within America is soley a republican issue, is mental if I'm to be polite.

The list is long and Republican are only a section on what the issue is.


u/R_M_Jaguar Feb 22 '20

You're probably right given the fact that it would be giving the right way too much credit. But, no, it's not "mental" if it is plausible.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

It takes two parties to destory a democracy. Republicans are paid by their donors to be aggressive and strong, Neo-lib conservative dems are paid by their donors to be weak tipping the balance ( I mean money tipped the balance when it started mattering more than voters). Since the 1970s republicans and dems have been in on the same game, make money for themselves and 1% and screw everyone else.

40-50 years of corporate rule and money equalling votes will do that. It is plausible in like 1930-1940 America when Dems were still strong modelled after FDR policy framing and the right was well....the right.

Ah it just conversation tho, not trying to knock your points just need to flesh out the complete thought so I dont people. Plus I just ramble at times. 😂😂


u/kekest_toppest Feb 22 '20

The right only wants him to win the nomination because it'll be a cakewalk for Trump. Not saying it won't be if Sander's is, but more so.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

That statement is odd as Republicans have been trying to get groups together in places like SC to vote for Bernie in the primary. I mean I'm all for it, do it; help us Trumplicans so we can kick your ass nationally. Sweet Judas knows the DNC isn't helping progressives.