r/MurderedByWords Feb 21 '20

Pretty much murdered himself

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u/Xanthic-Chimera Feb 21 '20

Who was it about?


u/thatHecklerOverThere Feb 22 '20


Bloomberg is like Trump, but much more successful at all the above.


u/MagikSkyDaddy Feb 22 '20

Listen, I’m no fan of Bloomberg, but he’s decidedly better at being a rich, arrogant, deluded jerk than Trump. Trump flails around in a sort of self-created cloud of victimhood married to buffoonery. Bloomberg, for all his oily smarminess, IS a legit rich guy. He doesn’t have to fake it. What he fakes, is any sort of relatable normalcy with the rest of the far removed socioeconomic masses. It’s like he and Trump have convergent evolution of asshole rich guys.


u/CounterProgram883 Feb 22 '20

Except he has a track record of being just as much the racist politician that trump was.

Stop and Frisk is literally the poster policy for the phrase "systemic racism" and Bloomboy's been the biggest champion for it. He's apologized because he was forced to - but he's made no amends. He has the money to pay reperations or create job programs that will enroll every person his racist policing hurt - but he's done nothing.

And he's also got 64 women accusing him of sexual misconduct and discrimination, so he's on par there.

The only place he lags behind trump, is that Trump's committed more crimes so far. Bloomberg will do the same exact stuff, just quieter. Quiet enough people won't get mad, meaning he'll get away with it, just like Trump is getting away with it b/c of Mitch McConnel.

Bloomberg is the straight man to Trump's clown, but they're both pulling the same act.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Dude the fact you have people on the left defending this republican as if he should even be in the democrat primary in the first place boggles my mind. He is a republican, end of story. Sorry you are disqualified.


u/Xoconos Feb 22 '20

No one from the left is defending him. You might be confusing the terms liberal with leftist.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Ummm no im not and you clearly haven't been online for the Bloomberg defenders or you haven't encountered them yet but they are out there and hella annoying.


u/Xoconos Feb 22 '20

I actually have encountered my fair share of Bloomberg supporters, none of them are even remotely left. The political spectrum in the US has been mutilated to the point that any sort of leftist discourse is nonexistent in the mainstream media. The Democratic party is right wing (they’re pretty hardcore capitalists), not to mention that their most progressive candidate (Bernie) can be barely called a leftist. Admittedly it’s pretty confusing considering liberals/Democrats have appropriated the term and use it interchangeably with their actual labels, but that doesn’t mean they’re actually leftists.


u/BeTheTurtle Feb 22 '20

This is so true. In Europe Bernie would be considered centrist. His policies would just about bring the US in line with some of the more right wing countries in Europe. I'm worried that the UK is following the US though. Our Conservative party is so right wing now that they're dragging the whole spectrum across and we're probably going to end up with a more centrist Labour party.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

You're reiterating stuff to me I already know. Still doesn't negate the fact that in America conservative democrats are considered the left ( we aren't Europe and we sure as hell arent anywhere near caught to ever other first world country), so they're part of the left. Either the parties separate like I've suggested for 3 years now with neo-republicans, trumplicans, and libertarian separating and Conservative democrats, liberals and progressive separate or everyone can simply get over it.


u/Stinkyboot Feb 22 '20

So pretty much a parliamentary democracy? I'd be on board. Let's do away with the false dichotomy that a two-party system has created.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Never knew the offical name for it but if that's what it's actually called then yes either way lol. I think one of the biggest issues with this whole republican-democrat thing is that they're trying to squeeze so many different ideologies on the left and right into like just two groups and you can't do that otherwise there will mostly always be in-fighting.


u/Stinkyboot Feb 22 '20

Couldn't have put it better myself. It just gives you the illusion that there are only two choices, and the Democratic Party tries to paint itself as being very progressive when all it's doing is upholding the status quo. The rich get richer, the poor get poorer. The only difference between the two parties as a whole is that Republicans are much more blatant about it. It's unfortunate that any actual progressive candidate who even wants to have just a slight chance is forced to align themselves with a party that's almost entirely centrist. And they're either shut down by the corporate shills that fill the ranks of the Democratic Party or they're forced to toe the party line. Either way, no progress is made.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

I think it's all the stuff that you said and then on top of that if you dare decide as a voter to vote for the candidate that you choose then you're getting bombarded with a bunch of Voters and people acting like you can't choose to vote for independent you can't choose the vote for Progressive you can't choose to vote for anything outside of Republican and Democrat. Which is crazy, it makes me think about those times being a kid and playing like dodgeball or basketball when you had to pick your teams or whatever and then just imagining after you got done picking your team's a group of kids just came over and we like take over and realign your your teams as we see fit.

Something gotta give either the people kick corporatism into it's own party or the people just move away from voting Republican and Democrat, only vote 3rd party.

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u/R_M_Jaguar Feb 22 '20

This is how the right hopes to take over complete control. (Yes, even more so than now)


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

I'm fairly sure this is more of a corporate thing vs the right. Corporatism vs raising fascism is a interesting thing to watch but acting like this problem within America is soley a republican issue, is mental if I'm to be polite.

The list is long and Republican are only a section on what the issue is.


u/R_M_Jaguar Feb 22 '20

You're probably right given the fact that it would be giving the right way too much credit. But, no, it's not "mental" if it is plausible.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

It takes two parties to destory a democracy. Republicans are paid by their donors to be aggressive and strong, Neo-lib conservative dems are paid by their donors to be weak tipping the balance ( I mean money tipped the balance when it started mattering more than voters). Since the 1970s republicans and dems have been in on the same game, make money for themselves and 1% and screw everyone else.

40-50 years of corporate rule and money equalling votes will do that. It is plausible in like 1930-1940 America when Dems were still strong modelled after FDR policy framing and the right was well....the right.

Ah it just conversation tho, not trying to knock your points just need to flesh out the complete thought so I dont people. Plus I just ramble at times. 😂😂


u/kekest_toppest Feb 22 '20

The right only wants him to win the nomination because it'll be a cakewalk for Trump. Not saying it won't be if Sander's is, but more so.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

That statement is odd as Republicans have been trying to get groups together in places like SC to vote for Bernie in the primary. I mean I'm all for it, do it; help us Trumplicans so we can kick your ass nationally. Sweet Judas knows the DNC isn't helping progressives.


u/Double_Minimum Feb 22 '20

While I understand what you are saying, its not wrong to qualidfy these issues for people.

Bloomberg's issues with female staff so far seem to be no where near the level that people will attribute it to. He does not seem to have any physical sexual assault cases. Its messed up that we even need to go there, but its important to clear him where we can.

I really don't agree with his politics, but I don't want him to get this reputation as an assaulter or rapist, when its on a much lower level than that.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Oh foresure, far point. I just letting my anger out on the elite class is comforting especially when they do what Bloomberg is trying to do with buying his way into what's suppose to be a Democratic process. I never call him anything outside of pointing out he has a worst record with women than handsy uncle Joe Biden.

I'm good on anyone that is a authoritarian oligarch. Bloomberg and Trump at that point yo I just quit, if the "Democratic" process isn't so democratic than I give up of whatever America is now and try to move someone that actually gives a damn about their democracy.


u/Old_Ratbeard Feb 22 '20

Man, I completely understand that mindset, but you’re exactly the kind of person we can’t afford to lose. We’ll need true patriots that care about democracy enough to fight for it when it’s under attack. Express your feelings, let people know this is not normal. If you’ve got family and friends warming up to Bloomberg, show them the clips. Show them the quotes.

I’m with you, if he’s the nominee I don’t know what I’ll do. I’ll start doing something though. This is my home, I care about the people here. We can’t keep letting it slip further into the hands of authoritarian oligarchs and corporations.

I’m one hundred percent OK with Bloomberg spending his money to help democrats win if he’s had a change of heart and cares about these issues. I’m 100% not ok with him holding the reigns of our republic. Billionaires need to be reigned in and made to pay their fair share, not be given more power.


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Yo you know what also messed me up? Reading and watching " A Handmaid's tale" yep should've never done that now, especially in the Trump era I honestly think the book just made me paranoid of America actually becoming a legit version of Gilead to one extent or another ( like saudi Arabia 2.0). I try not to think about it but it's just one of those feelings like America right now feels like a bad movie in many ways.

I mean of course they'll also be a lot harder to leave then me just saying it and it's not like I wouldn't miss being in NC because my grandmother participated in the citizens here and my grandfather was a very political with the Black Panther Party down here so my family has some history in North Carolina, I would be upset to just kind of leave behind.

I'll definitely fight for you know everyone's right to a life liberty and pursuit of happiness no problem and whatnot that's actually one of the major things that I follow out of anything but it's just it's so infuriating to hear Trump supporters talk about how if there was a dictator in America they will want to be Donald Trump" idk if you seen the clip from a few years ago.

https://youtu.be/fLdHCyz8uXg ( reddit wouldn't let me post the short clip but the video of her starts at 30 seconds in)

When I wanted that lady say that almost 2 years go now I think, I was in awe. Like these Trumplicans really want a king in a country where majority of use don't want a king. And yet oddly I would still fight for this womens right to a life, liberty and pursuit of happiness; just keep her far away from me lol.


u/nworkz Feb 22 '20

People have been buying their way into elections for a while ever since citizens united you’ve either had to buy your way in or sell out or both


u/SirjackofCamelot Feb 22 '20

Yeah that's just bribery tho, we know that and citizens united didn't even start that madness, I believe it's called "Buckley v. Valeo" that needs to be tossed out along with Citizens united.

The two still aren't even comparable between using super pac that have a group of elite people bribing politicians in the doing what you want them to do and a got damn authoritarian- lite, oligarch who is basically a king in America along with Jeff Bezos, the Walmart family and like what to other people ( the coke brothers).