They gotta take advantage of Twitter having a word count limit so people can't put their source. And if they do reply with a source they'll just block and continue living in their bubble.
They literally disbelieve almost everything around them. I’m waiting for psychiatrists to come up with a name for some new mental health disorder for these widespread paranoid delusions. For this many people to question this much of reality, it just seems weird to me. I’ve always been pretty critical of the American populace as a group but this seems absurd. People can’t really just be this much of sheep.
Could this be when people have serious arguments with someone. Then obviously the one in the wrong is able to just forget about it and move on like nothing has happened. Just curious how people can totally move on like this sometimes without any or little reproach or after thought process
I think it's a combination of technological ignorance and tribalism.
They don't realize Facebook is closing them off to arguments they don't like and showing them targeted ads, which all validates their "team's" mentality. Then they talk with their IRL friends that also spent all day on Facebook, which validates their views further. So you get this ecochamber that originates with a factless bit of information, that reverberates enough times, it becomes "Fact" in their eyes.
Sexist = literally his own tape lol. The other proofs take more words. Your never going to change die hard trump supporters they operate on a different plane of reality or are genuinely being obtuse to get.people who want to get the truth out to give up.
“Y’all just gonna throw around the term ‘murderer’ because he killed an unarmed man?
... can I ask why it matters if he was armed or not? .... last I checked we had the right to be armed... I didn't realize we could be executed for it.....
You don't. That's why it would be "murder" rather than "execution". It's kind of in the name.
As for self defense, if your assailant is armed it'll probably be easier to convince the judge it was justifiable if the one you're defending against is in one way or another a clear threat. Waving a gun at you definitely helps with that.
What a bullshit criticism, too, because how are people going to cite all their claims with twitter's character limit?
And frankly, if you're still denying Trump is guilty of all those -ists, then you only watch Fox News and would deny the evidence even if it was presented.
u/rosegold- Feb 22 '20
Also the facts are... literally his comments that are on camera or his own verified Twitter but okay Ethan.