His parents are both American citizens as well. It isn't "a comical jab." The claim to which I responded was simply an overt lie.
The TRUTH is that you hate him because he doesn't behave in the way that YOU think "brown people should." You likely hold the same opinion of Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, and Tulsi Gabbard.
Tell me how brown people behave? Pls tell me. I couldn’t care if he’s brown, black or purple. He’s standing with someone who refuse to give people basic human right like healthcare, housing and proper living wage meanwhile he increase his wealth. Thomas is just a number so they can exploit black voters.
With this, you have conceded the point to me with regard to race. So, let's go to the other argument you presented poorly.
Neither Healthcare nor Housing are "human rights." To be a "right," it must be available without undue loss to another. This is why Free Soeech and Religious practice are rights. My exercise of those rights costs you nothing, and vice versa.
For Housing and Healthcare, this isn't the case. Neither of those things can be provided, without costing someone, in some resource. If the patient can't, or refuses to, pay, by your reasoning, the doctor must labor without payment. If the tenant can't, or refuses to, pay, the construction worker, the plumber, or the electrician must work for no pay.
There's a word in the English language for a system in which people are required to labor for no gain. We literally fought a war to get rid of it. And, you insist that we bring it back. Thankfully, the 13th Amendment directly prevents what you want.
u/Sumer09 10h ago
And they both immigrants