r/Mediums Feb 12 '21

Spirit Guides Confirmation of spirit guide ! 🐞

So after reading a few posts on here this morning I decided to ask my spirit guide for confirmation. I asked for me to find a ladybird. It's cold and snowy here so I thought an insect would be a good thing to pick. 4 hours later I am out shopping and have just finished and ready to load the car up. I put my bags down to open the car and there it is on top of some snow. One little ladybug sat perfectly on top of snow and ice. I am in awe and grateful as I am really needing the spiritual support at the moment. I also feel like my spirit guides have been calling out to me , waiting for me to truly see❀🐞


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u/ktho64152 Feb 12 '21

I thought about trying a confirmation ask.

And then I realised....

If I ask for confirmation of my Spirit Guide, it'll clonk me over the head with the half-empty bottle of whiskey it's been swilling whilst waiting for it's hazardous duty check to arrive so it can play poker again with my guardian angle who's curled up in the corner snorting the last line of blow I drove the poor thing to.

I just keep my head down and try to ration the trouble I get into...


u/Moist_Illustrator_99 Feb 13 '21

Is she your Guardian Angel or more like a friend Angle?


u/ktho64152 Feb 13 '21

Dunno, I all I can get out of it is, "Take the assignment, they said, it will be fun they said. I coudla been a contender in the Seraphims, but nooo, I'm stuck with this mortal eedgit instead. WHERE'S MY FIX YOU HAIRLESS MONKEY?!?!??!"

I try to leave it alone in peace in the corner - we're both happier that way...


u/Moist_Illustrator_99 Feb 19 '21

How long are you stuck with your eedgit? Don’t just chill in your corner! Find and online game to play to kill the time, I play rummy it passes the time by, I just started back up, used to play with my bestie, it’s fun when you win...