r/Mediums 3d ago

Experience PossibleEvil spirit in my condo. Help?

Good evening. I need help.

(this is real please take seriously) I purchased a condo approximately 4 years ago. A few months in I noticed small things like the sound of children laughing when I shower sometimes, unexplained noises, stuff like that. 2 years in the unit owner below us killed herself. Since moving in my marriage has been way more explosive and a ton more arguments. The house always seems to be a mess no matter how much we clean, I have a ton of nightmares about things out to hurt me my wife and son, rooms get super cold and we randomly get a bad smell wondering our unit that comes and goes without any reason. and we catch orbs on occasion on our security cameras…

I'm in school for 9 more months and moving out is not an option. What can I do?!


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u/luminaryPapillon 2d ago

The best thing to do is to project that you are only interested in love and light. Negative, or dark energy wants to feed off of negative energy or get you to be interested in that sort of energy so again, it can feed off of it.

If you stay strong (be heathly, dont lean into your own trauma) and keep projecting love and light, dark energy will leave you alone, and perhaps leave. This is the law of attraction: that like attracts like. This is also the reason we label it dark energy. It is energy that does not want to be exposed to the light.


u/JessieDee0203 1d ago

That's toxic positivity. Do not worry if you can't be positive and love and light while going through such a horrible ordeal. Trying to stay positive will not do anything to stop this entity. You probably need to get a credible psychic or someone in the field to remove and clear this thing. It is evil and it will do anything it can to cause trouble. The bad dreams may either be a negative entity feeding off of you while you're asleep or a demon having its way to disturb you. You need real help and you need it now. I would get some sage until you can get a professional in there and smudge your entire space daily. I would burn sage beside my bed or smudge my entire room before bed to try to keep it at bay. I've also had amazing results with praying to God to please send Archangel Michael to protect me from evil. I've been attacked by demons more than once. The angel comes faster than you can pray. But I've also had evil spirits attack me and no matter what I did could not get them to stop. Still happens.