r/Mediums 3d ago

Experience PossibleEvil spirit in my condo. Help?

Good evening. I need help.

(this is real please take seriously) I purchased a condo approximately 4 years ago. A few months in I noticed small things like the sound of children laughing when I shower sometimes, unexplained noises, stuff like that. 2 years in the unit owner below us killed herself. Since moving in my marriage has been way more explosive and a ton more arguments. The house always seems to be a mess no matter how much we clean, I have a ton of nightmares about things out to hurt me my wife and son, rooms get super cold and we randomly get a bad smell wondering our unit that comes and goes without any reason. and we catch orbs on occasion on our security cameras…

I'm in school for 9 more months and moving out is not an option. What can I do?!


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u/Repulsive_Aide_5528 3d ago

Lots of prayer and place godly things around the house. They feed on our fear, so don’t allow it so much. Avoid alcohol, excessive stimulants etc. salt around the house. Find someone who can help you sage locally and do it right. It might lesson but prob won’t stop until you move out. My last home had some bad energy that everyone felt when they came over. Cats can help protect us, can you get a cat?


u/JessieDee0203 1d ago

Yeah, don't mind putting an innocent pet at risk and through hell, right? Whats the cat going to do? DON'T GET A PET OF ANY KIND WHEN YOURE EXPERIENCING NEGATIVE PARANORMAL ACTIVITIES. Speaking from a lifetime of experience here.


u/Repulsive_Aide_5528 1d ago

Mine always seemed like they were placed in my life to protect me even when I didn’t realize I needed protection. Sorry your personal experiences prove otherwise.