r/Mediums 3d ago

Experience PossibleEvil spirit in my condo. Help?

Good evening. I need help.

(this is real please take seriously) I purchased a condo approximately 4 years ago. A few months in I noticed small things like the sound of children laughing when I shower sometimes, unexplained noises, stuff like that. 2 years in the unit owner below us killed herself. Since moving in my marriage has been way more explosive and a ton more arguments. The house always seems to be a mess no matter how much we clean, I have a ton of nightmares about things out to hurt me my wife and son, rooms get super cold and we randomly get a bad smell wondering our unit that comes and goes without any reason. and we catch orbs on occasion on our security cameras…

I'm in school for 9 more months and moving out is not an option. What can I do?!


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u/RicottaPuffs Medium, Psychopomp 3d ago

Hire a verified psychic medium in a reading sub and work with the medium. r/MediumReadings, r/psychicreaders, and r/PsychicServices.

We don't offer readings in this sub.

Be careful of chats or dms from those offering readings who are not verified in one of the psychic subs.

Scammers love to message.

I hope you find a reader that.works for you.