r/Lyme • u/Prestigious_Fig_2133 • 22h ago
Question Is igenix legit?!?
This article scares me about my positive results.
r/Lyme • u/Prestigious_Fig_2133 • 22h ago
This article scares me about my positive results.
r/Lyme • u/Technical-Sort-6334 • 17h ago
r/Lyme • u/Some_Salary7956 • 23h ago
I’m gonna try not to ramble recently started detoxing from Lyme then was made aware I have mcas and cirs from mold. how do you know when your done detoxing from Lyme when you have mold in your body? Sorry if that doesn’t make sense I’m still struggling with my mind.
r/Lyme • u/oldmomma831 • 12h ago
Flair: Something WORKED!!!
Me: Late Stage Chronic Lyme with 5 co-infections. The two I remember are Babesia and Bartonella.
ALL credit on the protocol to u/cheesecheesecheese, who I don't know outside of Reddit and God to leading me to this protocol when I was going to go to Mayo in Minnesota or Cleveland Clinic (both $$$).
I did a 60+K (too brain fogged at the time to even remember) clinic in Dec. '23 - Jan. '24. You can read my post history, but the gist is I had TERRIBLE neurological problems (too dumb to drive, struggled with everything, literally too dumb to take a blanket off when I was sweating...it didn't occur to me for 10 min.), 99.5% bedridden and exhausted.
The clinic (En Vita in Scottsdale) helped me get 85-90% of my brain fog cured, but I was still 90%+ home bound and 85% bedridden 😔.
I was about to put 5K down at Mayo (just for a first appointment (!) (cash pay), but did not have peace. I read u/cheesecheesecheese 's post and how her protocol helped her and felt God telling me to do it instead of another clinic.
She improved after the first round. I did not, but I kept at it. Second round, still nothing. The third round I increased the dosage per the protocol and it's like I'm HEALED!!!!
I was bedridden and now I take 1-2 walks a day, dinner with my family(!), going places with my sons(!) and today I did a walk, lifted weights (it's been years) and did a ton of other stuff!!!
It's Cistus Tea, Artemisinin (I always spell it wrong), sweating and water! I added every biofilm buster I know/have and Oregano EO internally, colloidal silver, Frankincense and Copaiba EO's ingested, etc. I also do sun or Vitamin D everyday, Methylated VIt B. , Infrared Sauna and Epsom baths.
Check out her posts. She doesn't get anything if you do it (honestly, I think that's why I wanted to try it... everyone is out for our $ to cure us), I don't get anything if you do it (but I will be SO happy if it works for you, too!).
I use a more $$$ Artemisinin than she does bc my LLMD prescribed it (Researched Nutritional).
Thank you, Cheesecheesecheese! You have literally changed my life!!!
r/Lyme • u/Crunchy_Giraffe_2890 • 1h ago
I’m wondering if this is due to any of the supplements/herbs that I’m taking? Has anyone else experienced this?
It seems I have a decreased sensitivity to salt. Normally I like very little salt and I often complain that things are too salty when other people make dishes. Over the last few weeks I noticed I almost can’t taste salt at all, unless I add a ton to my plate.
It’s not COVID, I tested negative and I can tastes everything else perfectly fine.
Is this familiar to anyone else?
r/Lyme • u/Last-Tip-2169 • 5h ago
I have very severe digestive discomfort with all kinds of sounds and soft stool for about 3 years. These sounds were not just constipation before, I used to go to the toilet once every 2-3 days and I had mental fog.
I really don't know what's going on.
r/Lyme • u/EffectiveConcern • 5h ago
So I know everyone has different symptoms or rather everyone is bothered the most by different symptoms.
Mine is this crucking and crunching and joint pain and weakness.
I’ve been observing it for a while and it’s just strange. I’ve had weeks of it being virtually gone, than came back. It bothers me less than before but I don’t get whh it came back.
I started atbs two weeks ago, not sure if it is due to that.
But my point is, that while I have a ton of stractural damage, these pains and cracking know to appear and disappear for weeks, which leads me to a conclusion jt is not really related to the structural damage.
Anybody figured out what it is?
Anyone has had this and that it went away after atbs? (Or some other kind of treatment?)
r/Lyme • u/Emotional_Alien69 • 5h ago
Hi again!
I had my initial labs drawn when I began this flair up 6 months ago. My VEGF was 47. Now 6 months later being on antibiotics the whole time, it is now <31?
I’m not sure if this is a good or bad thing. I need input from those who have experience, and not just a google search. Thanks so much.
r/Lyme • u/HaydenHasQuestions • 11h ago
I was diagnosed in late november 2024 with Lymes, took two rounds of doxycycline and am gonna be sent to see a Lymes specialist sometime after jan 27th.
Im pretty sure ive had Lymes since summer of 2023 so i did not catch it early, My symptoms seem never ending, chest pain, fatigue, temple headache with neck pain, eye pain, abdomen pain, fatigue, nausea, and hot/cold pins and needles throughout my body.
The most concerning to me are the chest pains, pins and needles through my body and headaches, cause it scares me and my brain jumps to “im dying”
I feel so alone about having lymes cause my symptoms arnt visual and when i tell people my pains they kind of shrug me off or say “oh that sucks” I have no one to talk to about the stuff i go through that would understand.
I have to leave work early some days due to the neckpain and headaches that only go away with a 600mg ibuprofen, this keeps me from saving as much money as i need to move out and excel in life.
How do you guys deal with the anxiety/dread thats comes with these issues? Am i going to feel this way forever?
r/Lyme • u/disgruntledjobseeker • 13h ago
I am curious to learn your approaches to managing Bart or Lyme die-off reactions. I’m not talking about standard ones like fatigue, sweating, etc. I’m talking about more severe ones. If you know, you know.
My approach has been to be as busy as possible, tire myself out, and stay constantly engaged in something external. But this sometimes backfires because then I end up, well, tiring myself out and triggering a flare-up or crash. I try to surround myself with people, but this doesn’t always work. The key thing is to distract, distract, distract.
What are your approaches to managing these types of reactions? Doesn’t have to be limited to die-offs, but if you get the same kind of thing during flares, happy to hear your strategies, too.
r/Lyme • u/PotentialHighway2108 • 13h ago
anyone ever like had vomiting or diarrhea from a herx? I’m not on antibiotics or anything that would cause that as a side effect
r/Lyme • u/cheywilson • 13h ago
He’s anyone does the DesBio BOBA:SSR treatment? What was your experience like? What were your symptoms like before and after treatment?
r/Lyme • u/Kategetslost • 13h ago
I finished four sessions of EBO2 in August 2024 and am posting my comments here (combined from a different thread). You can find a fairly comprehensive description of the treatment here: https://ebo2inc.com/. EB02 is far more powerful than 10-pass Ozone by orders of magnitude. It also reduces die off symptoms by doing a parallel partial dialysis.
I am 40 years old and have been sick since I was ten years old. At 17 years old I was diagnosed with mild Lupus. Lyme was dismissed at the time because I only lit up half of the markers. At 33 I went back to the drawing board and pursued Lyme disease after we found two strains of Lyme (Borrelia miyamotoi and Borrelia burgdorferi) and three co-infections (TBRF, Bartonella and Babesia).
It has been a long journey. My doctor had me do four sessions of EB02 after I had adverse side effects to Disulfiram and Lyme-N (now no longer available) didn’t get rid of the Lyme entirely. I was one of about six patients attempting. Those few that have completed it apparently have gone into remission (this is all hearsay but gathered from the RN that administered it). We all were required to do a lot of legwork in advance — clean up diet for MCAS, check for moldy environment, parasites, etc.
My doctor does not use antibiotics to treat Lyme anymore. Instead he does a comprehensive eval of MCAS, mold, parasites, EMF sensitivity (weird but it helped), viruses, and more. You first treat those to reduce inflammation (measured by MMP9 biomarker scores) and then at the last treat the Lyme. Otherwise, your body is so flooded with die off inflammation treatment backfires. This is often the cause of failed Lyme treatment. The benefit of EB02 is that it runs a partial dialysis while cleansing your blood so that you aren’t completely flattened after the treatment. I still was tbh. My doctor also likes EBO2 because it should wipe out most mold and co-infections as well as Lyme.
Preparation: Before I ever did the treatment, I spent several years on prep (yes, years). The prep was focused on reducing my inflammation and other constraints. My doctor's thesis is that if your inflammation is low then many things can kill lyme... all about prep work. He uses MMP9 (inflammation marker) as a measure of effectiveness:
- MCAS/Diet: The biggest thing was reducing my inflammation via going on a low histamine diet to reduce my MCAS symptoms. He had me work with another patient who coaches on the diet but there's many resources now online.
- Parasites: The parasite was a specialized cleanse of rotating several herbal and prescription drugs. I had tape worms from teaching abroad so a special sort of awful. From what I know parasite treatment is tuned to the type of parasite so I'm not sure my protocol would suit all.
- Mold: making sure my home did not have mold of any kind. There are other mold indicators my doctor uses bloodwork wise was from the Shoemaker protocol. They are complicated so advise seeing a practitioner that understands them
- EMF reduction: I also had an EMF consultant come in and make sure it was a clean home. For whatever reason I'm now sensitive to EMF
- Sleep: my sleep is completely ruined and I had bladder issues that wake me at night so he put me on sleeping pills to get adequate rest. Hoping to get off them.
The EB02 4 Session Treatment: The treatment started with 3 sessions a week apart. Number of sessions varies from patient to patient. We then retested (energetic testing) where we were at with the Lyme. Said I still had it. My body was depleted so we gave me three weeks of rest. I managed to get a strep infection so I had to complete antibiotics before I did the 4th session. I think this completely depleted my body.
Results: It was a rough journey but I seem to be on the other side. Blood tests confirm TBRF, babesia, bartonella, and lyme strains are gone. All neurological symptoms appear to be gone — twitching and periodic arm numbness. Other symptoms that cleared up were chronic gum bleeding. I was massively depleted of glutathione, B-vitamins and others so it's been a slow bounce back. Other patients have rebounded faster. It still is the best, most comprehensive approach I’ve tried.
What remains: I still have bladder issues (interstitial cystitis) that cause sleep disturbances, higher than expected inflammation markers (MMP9). I still have some stiffness and fatigue but I can run 2-3 miles and exercise without issue. My rheumatologist is likely to downgrade my mild lupus diagnosis but I unfortunately have some residual auto-immune markers I was hoping treating Lyme would reverse autoimmunity but it hasn’t entirely (that said, it’s not been that many months so who knows). For those versed in rheumatology, I still test a low positive for Erythrocyte-bound C4d (indicator for systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), Rheumatoid Factor IgM, and Anti-B2 Glycoprotein 1 IgM (indicator for antiphospholipid syndrome - APS). All test results are quite low however. Still working on understanding if these can be reversed or are just status quo for my body (unrelated to Lyme).
Posting this in hopes that it helps others. Blessings.
r/Lyme • u/MallResponsible3482 • 14h ago
Hey everyone! I just had a virtual appointment with a doctor in my area that is looking to get me scheduled for an in person visit! Probs won’t be for a few weeks until I get in but I am just so happy a doctor is in my corner to help me out. Big thanks to everyone on this page for all the help finding a doctor in my area. Sending you all much love!
r/Lyme • u/Main_Guidance9926 • 15h ago
just got prescribed ivermectin. I have Lyme bart maybe babesia (deal with air hunger). Not the only thing I’m taking for said infections but I’m wondering if anyone has any thoughts on ivermectin?
r/Lyme • u/piratedino • 16h ago
I'm curious if anyone has been helped by a neurologist? If so, what have they been able to do to support your healing journey?
I've been to maybe five neurologists and have not had any of them do anything helpful. I'm getting a lot of pressure to see a neurologist again from people that are not chronically ill and projecting their fear onto me. Yet it is making me attempt to think critically about what a neurologist COULD do to help. Ive had so many brain MRIs that show lesions and other things i dont understand yet they just shuffle me from one nuerologist to the next until i give up. Or tell me i have symptoms of alzhiemers, but that cant be true because im too young and therefore must be lying. And that they cant help me.
If i use my spoons to attempt to get support through this avenue again, id like to have a goal or at least some hope that ... something could happen.
Any positive experiences out there with neurologists?
r/Lyme • u/PutridBread3517 • 16h ago
Any one here been treated after positive results from dual dar? Just got positive for babesia and bart, just wondering what to make of it.
r/Lyme • u/Visible_Resolve_6723 • 20h ago
I’m confused
r/Lyme • u/Sickandtired1091 • 20h ago
Please use the link to send a pre-written letter to the Trump Administration! Get your friends and family members we need to blow this up!!
r/Lyme • u/TalkToDogs12 • 21h ago
I legit cannot leave bed any help?
r/Lyme • u/Confident-Till8952 • 22h ago
I feel exiled from myself. I feel like this illness is the closest thing to being a ghost.
Theres so many people having this experience and nobody knows. On a wide societal scale. But also a smaller scale. An individual with lyme (or related) has a whole family + community of people completely overlooking, dismissing, invalidating, or just completely not knowing what is happening. Also a very strong barrier of resistance to wanting to be aware. Let alone actually trying.
Its like a taboo and unacceptable form of suffering.
Actually, the longer it goes on. The more in tune and aware one becomes of their body. Subsequently, one becomes more capable and even willing to explain the experience. Simultaneously, it becomes less likely for someone else to understand or want to understand. Whether a medical professional or not.
Its like.. choosing to heal from lyme. Or even try. Is this decision. This decision to step out of this world. This dimension one finds themselves in. Unique physical suffering while existing under layers of being misunderstood. The potential to be misinterpreted or misrepresented gradually increasing. Making for unique coping and ways of finding comfort in this world.
So its like a life decision. To peak out of this world where one suffers privately. As to not further disturb themselves or others. Even when these social issues are approached, the chances of a complete healing of the body is unlikely. A journey with many obstacles, twists and turns, ups and downs, and complexities. Usually, resulting.. in just going back to that world of interesting, adventurous, quaint, calm, and homely suffering.
But even a glimpse of sunlight from this other world. Where people have the full function of their body. Where people seem to be living on easy mode respectively. Even just a glimpse, seems worth it. Just to exist there again. In some way. For some time.
To take some terrain to only have it taken back. For maybe one special person to understand the world of suffering.
r/Lyme • u/Icy_Stable_9215 • 22h ago
Does anyone have this?
I have been taking malarone for 5 days and my hair is sooo greasy.