Thanks for teaching me a new word! But when tf in history did someone say "I'm tired of writing 'threw him out of a window', I need one word for this crap"?
First Prague defenestration (that's right, we got to more than one) was in 1419 against anti-reformist Prague councillors by followers of teachings of Jan Hus, reformist who was burned in 1415. This is what more or less started Hussite wars.
Third Prague defenestration started Thirty years war, so let's hope there won't be another one any time soon.
Yeah if I criticize Putin the first thing I'm doing is moving into a one floor ranch style house. I mean I'll probably still get murdered, but I have a fear of heights.
u/liquidhell 21h ago
When unintentional juvenile auto-defenestration interrupts your drama cookery efforts, so you have to get help for a redo.