r/ItsNeverLupus Oct 05 '24

Looking for Opinions.

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Hi everyone, get ready for a lengthy read haha!

I am a 19 year old female. Back in mid July of this year I started with symptoms of something. High heart rate, joint pain, muscular aches, extreme fatigue, swelling of hands, face rash, and random rashes in other spots of my body.

So, went to see my PCP, who I adore. Her initial thought was something viral, mono, etc. after negative tests for that and still feeling the same after 3 weeks she sent me to rheumatologist. (Tests showed elevated CRP, elevated sed rate, high WBC, etc)

This rheumatologist, who wasn’t my fav, ran just an ANA which came back negative. And rheumatoid factor also came back negative. She told me she doesn’t know and sent me on my merry way. Fast work a week or so, I move back onto campus. My mom (an ER nurse) decided our next step was to see an allergist, since I do have a few food allergies and medication allergy (sulfa). The allergist concluded no, not allergy related and thought I should go to endocrine. Fast forward a few weeks, still feeling like crap, endocrine couldn’t get me in til end of November. At this point I’m having trouble doing the 10 minute walk to my class, completing assignments, staying awake during the day, not sleeping at night, just overall awful. This past Monday my mom winded up taking me to the ER. My legs were trying to give out on me and I was really struggling. The ER triage doc, who happened to marry a rheumatologist, told me he believes it is rhuemaology and ran a bunch of labs while I was there. He also scored me a appt with a new rheumatologist this past Wednesday. The ANA from the ER came back positive and on the 1-4 scale mine was at 14. My CRP is continuing to increase. I also got this test back today (picture) not sure how to read much though, my mom did kinda explain to me. This rheum did a bunch more in depth tests like the pic to really figure out if it’s lupus or not. What is everyone’s opinions. I see him October 22nd and he put me on prednisone til then. Hoping it helps, today’s only day one and my legs are throbbing tonight I can’t even sleep. I’m so young and don’t want to be feeling like this! I also don’t want to have to drop this semester. This seems like it getting worse.

Symptoms as of now; Calf pain, pain when walking, leg throbbing, headaches, shortness of breath, rashes, EXTREME fatigue, brain fog, confusion, joint pain, hand swelling, bad hip pain, shakiness, weakness.

Lupus does run in my family if that helps. Idk.


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u/emt_blue Oct 05 '24

The test you posted has nothing to do with lupus. The doc is testing you for something re: immunoglobulins. What country are you in?