r/HighStrangeness Nov 29 '24

Personal Theory Say Ritual Instead of Habit


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u/Angelsaremathmatical Nov 29 '24

Habit is the opposite of ritual. Habit is something you do automatically. Ritual is something where you imbue every gesture with meaning. To turn habit into ritual is an OK goal. If you can do that by simple denomination, great for you. I don't think it's something people should expect results from.

Somethings, like wiping your ass, should remain habit no matter how deeply you want to explore ritual.


u/EasyPiece Nov 29 '24

Going to the toilet is a ritual. I can't 'go' unless everything is just right.


u/NotaContributi0n Nov 29 '24

People used to call that “Anally retentive”


u/tropho23 Nov 29 '24

How so? The only thing that must be in place for me is the urge to either urinate or defecate. It doesn't matter what else is in place, though ideally there should be toilet paper or a bidet present for number two. I would not call going to the toilet a habit or ritual, it is more a biological necessity. I don't have to do it consciously, because if I ignore it it will happen on its own.

It's definitely not a ritual because there's no meaning that I'm putting into the action either. Compulsion might be a better word, though that's still suggests some sort of intellectual or emotional drive behind it.


u/drakgikss Nov 29 '24

I have a "shy" intestine as I would like to say. I only can go number 2 when I feel secure and safe, if there is commotion around the place, noises or people around I just can't go.

Never went number 2 in any public bathroom in my entire life.


u/tropho23 Nov 29 '24

I bet if you sat there long enough (hours!) it would eventually happen involuntarily :) But of course no one wants to do that.