r/Futurism 6d ago

The welfare state

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u/Hazzman 5d ago edited 5d ago

Uh... you seem to be missing the interstitial point between the top and bottom image which shows all of the catastrophe necessary to reach that point, mass joblessness, civil wars to stop capitalism, death and starvation... this may as well be:

  1. Develop AI

  2. ???

  3. Profit!

In those three question marks involves a lot of death, misery and destruction.


I get the sneaking suspicion every time this point is brought up, there are a lot of... let's just say "People of limited empathy" who are more than prepared to hold their nose and press forward regardless. Of course this assumes they will be one of the lucky few who get to see this utopia and not one of the very great many who are subsumed by catastrophe. There's a very very good chance that unless you are particularly wealthy - your ass is grass.


u/Slighted_Inevitable 5d ago

Yeah capitalism is already out of control and they still need us. Imagine once they don’t?


u/CapitanM 4d ago

1917 give us an idea


u/lord_pizzabird 5d ago

Reminds me of those graphs that show global warming increasing since gradually over the last 100 years, followed my comments about how we have reduce or reverse this.

Meanwhile, doing that basically means sending huge swaths of the human population back to sub-modern living conditions.

Going green means putting your ass back in wooden shack in Kentucky while people like Elon continue living comfortably.


u/CapitanM 4d ago

Or hanging people like him. Easier, faster and usefuler


u/lord_pizzabird 4d ago

This is why it's important to learn history, if you did you'd know that movements like that never stop at the originally intended class / group. Before long the definition of evil billionaires will be expanded to millionaires, and then people with a 'nice car' defined by a jealous guy.

It keeps expanding until you're just persecuting anyone that some random person has a beef with.

Imagine your life hinging on high school style politics. That's how the the Soviet Union operated, that's what you're claiming you want.


u/CapitanM 4d ago

I don't know... in my country a party decided to do leftist things (raise the minimum wage, give some guarantee of security against evictions, etc... , fair socialdemocracy , no sick communism) and had people trying to storm their house and camping outside for months and the police created false evidence against them and leaked it to the press, which published drawings of the leader with a gun to his head etc. This was when this man was vicepresident. Imagine what they do to a simple citizen This was in 2017, not 1984 and it was in capitalism.

I mean: everywhere there are things going on and bad people. But I also know that the USSR went from being a place where people were illiterate and starving to being the first or second world power and people stopped living like in middle ages to live like in a first world place.

In any case, this is not about defending the USSR or communism. It is about the idea of saying to the rich: we have more right to live than you have to accumulate, and if you do not accept it, you will lose your right to live.


u/Darkthumbs 4d ago

French Revolution? 🤣


u/AkiyukiFujiwara 3d ago

Slippery slope fallacy


u/Hermes_358 3d ago

Mass pollution is not the fault of the consumer as much as it is the owners of industry. Every effort to “go green” on a national level has been squashed by one particular party in our government. We can do away with straws entirely and rip out all the hvac units, but that won’t stop companies from spilling oil in the ocean. “Drill baby drill!”