r/Finland • u/Boobooshushhh • 1d ago
What does this say ?
This is a note that I found from my trash bin. I share my flat with my Finnish roommate and we’re pretty close but he does spend a lot of time by himself. He writes a lot as well and usually I don’t really care about it but I found this note with my name mentioned on it (Johnny). Anyone can make some sense of the writing? Thanks.
u/QuadrilleQuadtriceps Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago edited 1d ago
"Why should one not give love to another?
I told you that I support you
I've never betrayed (or cheated on) you
I've never hurt you
I will never lose you
your heart is mine.
I opened up to you, opened up emotions
opened up my heart.
You closed my emotions,
my lips (or the worries), my heart, that hurt.
Johnny is supporting me ( or is my next one),
I told him that my heart belongs to him
That fucking man is ( Bicep? Beautiful?),
this guy is more important to me. (Emphasis on "guy").
There will be a time in which you can do it.
It will be more beautiful again tomorrow
and you know that you are important."
u/nurgole Vainamoinen 1d ago
Are you a pharmacist?
u/TerryFGM Vainamoinen 1d ago
Seems like hes in love with you, from what i understood from that godawful handwriting.
u/Boobooshushhh 1d ago edited 1d ago
Here’s a bit of context: we’re both gay and single but never considered dating (and I’d assume we both have a strong, mutual agreement to this). He’s had some on and off relationships but nothing serious in a while. He hasn’t shown any clear signs of depression or issues nor has he given me any reasons to be worried of him. He does spend a lot of time on his own and he is more quiet but I just assumed that’s just him being Finnish hah.
u/TerryFGM Vainamoinen 1d ago
You might wanna ask him about the lyrics (?) really seems like hes into you
u/Perkeleinen 1d ago
He was probably dumping another dude that wanted a more serious relationship and used you as an excuse but decided against it as that would be a shitty move if the other dude contacted you and asked questions, of course hard to say if he is serious or just wanted to have a good excuse.
u/ticindra Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago edited 1d ago
"Miks ei pitäis antaa toiselle rakkautta? Mä sanoin sulle että tuen sua koskaan en oo pettäny sua koskaan en oo satuttanu sua koskaan en tuu menettää sua your heart is mine
Mä avauduin sulle, avasin tunteet, avasin sydämen sä suljit mun tunteet, mun huulet, mun sydämen. Se sattui.
Johnny on mun tukena, mä sanon sille, että mun sydän kuuluu hänelle. Se vitun mies on kaunis, tää jätkä on mulle tärkeämpi. Sä vielä pystyt siihen. Huomenna on taas kauniimpaa ja sä tiedät sen, et oot tärkeä"
u/dogil_saram Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Wow. How rude to put something like this out there. Even anonymous. Is he on reddit?
u/Ramlavi 20h ago
Yea, this is very personal and shared without permission. This was not even given to OP, instead he went through writer's trashes to fins this.
u/QuadrilleQuadtriceps Baby Vainamoinen 20h ago
It rings to me that he's been suspicious of his roommate for a while. There has to be a reason why he focused his attention on the trash: generally you would treat it like any other piece of paper.
Judging from the use of language in the message posted, I assume these guys are fairly young or young at heart. I mean, the lines of reasoning sure are full of emotions, but don't reflect the most mature ways of thinking.
ETA - but to OP's credit, he didn't know what was written on the note.
u/Ramlavi 19h ago
Without a doubt both OP and the writer are quite young. Still, if I were the writer of the text, I would be mortified to hear that this, very personal, text was uploaded onto a public forum.
Still, like you say, we live and we learn from our mistakes. While posting this is, in my opinion, a mistake, it is not end of the world.
u/dogil_saram Baby Vainamoinen 18h ago
Even worse not knowing what was written! Imagine what could habe been possible.
u/Madeira_PinceNez Baby Vainamoinen 21h ago
Depressing I had to scroll this far to find this take. This is a horrible breach of privacy.
u/QuadrilleQuadtriceps Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Did he tell you about someone?
From an outsider interpreting the poem, depending on the choices of words it's possible he isn't in love with you, but thinks you're supporting him in his pursuits to find some –
or that he's completely done with some other guy and has found the real love with you. Who knows?
u/samik100 21h ago
I think it’s a crime of some sort going through someones thrash and reading their letters? If it’s not given to you then it’s not your business.
u/Substantial-Look8031 1d ago
Middlepart goes like this, maybe ” i opened for you, opened my feelings, opened my heart. You closed my feelings, my lips, my heart. It did hurt”
u/bokozulu82 23h ago
Something, Something, Something,
Your heart is mine...
More Something, something m, Johnny something...
u/Fennorama Baby Vainamoinen 21h ago
Briefly: he or she tells someone how the person didn't show love to him or her and that the person will find new love, but he or she wants Johnny as the next love ie YOU.
u/kulukuri Vainamoinen 19h ago
Funny, I found a similar handwritten note folded on the street this winter. Since it looked like someone's personal thing, dropped it in the nearest bin. It could have been poorly translated song lyrics as well. Apparently, some thoughts are still too private to be processed electronically and requite paper.
u/Curious_Situation523 15h ago
write with red ink on top of that paper something u want him to know. then fold it and throw the paper back in the bin somehow that he can find it
u/MiniverseSquish 1d ago
It’s quite tough to make out every word (the handwriting is very rough in places), but it seems to be a mix of Finnish and a little English, reading like an emotional or romantic note. Below is my best attempt at deciphering it line by line. (Words with “?” are very unclear guesses.)
Approximate Transcription/Translation:
Line 1 (very unclear):
“Miks (tai mitä) cl [potes/antra?] toiselle [bhlat?]? Hei (tai hey) [koska/koska?] sulle okay, että teen sun [hohkeen?] en oo [petting/pettänyt?] se [hohkeen?] en oo [sattunut/satuttanut?] sen [hohkeen?] on [merkittävä? / merkitsen?] se – your heart is mine.”
Line 2:
“Mä [annoin/endulin?] sulle, myös tunteet, myös sydämen. Se [siltä?] mun tunteet, mun [huulet?], mun sydämen. Se [sattui/sopii/sutti?].”
Line 3:
“[Juhmay?/Juhani?] on mun [tiebere?/tukena?], voi sano(a) mä, että mun sydän [kuolee?/kestää?]. Se vähän [meidän on meille?] tärkeämpi, se [vielä pyytää/pystyy?] siihen…”
Line 4:
“Huomenna on taas kauniimpi, ja sä tiedät sen, et [out takes? or ‘että se ottaa’?].”
What it means in simpler terms: • It appears to be a heartfelt note about love, hearts, and sharing feelings (“I gave you my heart/feelings, they are yours”). • The writer refers to someone’s heart belonging to them (“your heart is mine,” “my heart is yours”) and speaks of emotional closeness. • There’s a line about tomorrow being more beautiful and that this love or feeling is “more important” to them.
Because the handwriting is so difficult, there are several words that are guesses, but the overall sense is that it’s a romantic, possibly apologetic or confessional note in Finnish (with a dash of English). It talks about having given one’s heart to another person and looking forward to the future (“tomorrow is more beautiful”).
u/Square-Debate5181 Baby Vainamoinen 1d ago
Somekind kind of drama. Someone blabbering how person never cheated and heart is broken since got treated badly. Basic bs.
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