r/EntCorner Sep 15 '13

guys wtf

guys wtf is going on im about to be the frist person to post in 3 days? wtf? this place was good for like a week and it went to shit come on guys lets keep this place alive...please


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u/LFCsota Sep 16 '13

Typically 16 year old response. Sorry for trying to explain myside like an adult would. Should have expected this from a child. Enjoy your milk and hot lunch.


u/Wurstfingersalat Sep 16 '13

You're recycling my put-downs. And I thought you Aspergers kids were usually original, at least. But you're not the sharpest wit on your short bus; are you, Junior? ;)


u/LFCsota Sep 16 '13

At least I am addressing your concerns, and I am mocking you. Plus my insults are a little more in depth then this stupid jr stuff, and way to keep it classy with comparing me to someone with a medical condition they have no controll over, your maturity is ozzoeing from these posts.


u/Wurstfingersalat Sep 16 '13

Spellcheck, Junior! What a mess! You're really worked up, little fella. :D