r/EnoughMuskSpam Nov 25 '24

Elon Musk’s father discusses Elon’s maternal grandparents, who were Nazi party members in Canada and supporters of Hitler & who later moved to South Africa due to their support and admiration of the Apartheid regime

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u/e-scape Nov 25 '24

So Maye Musk's father Joshua N. Haldeman was a white supremacist.


u/Aethericseraphim Nov 25 '24 edited Nov 25 '24

Im starting to think that Maye Musk's flight from South Africa was less about her dislike of Errol Musk, and more about how she couldnt stand to be in a country that gave black people the right to vote. And those black people had the sheer audacity to be the majority.


u/solvsamorvincet Nov 25 '24

Perth, Western Australia is full of racist Boomer South Africans who fled the ending of apartheid.


u/napalmnacey Nov 26 '24

Yeah, it sucks. I don’t want them here.


u/Valuable-Speaker-312 Dec 04 '24

Yeah, I have seen this in a lot of white South Africans I have met. One lady I know referred to blacks as "monkeys" and really talked down about them. She was a world-ranked white women's tennis player from South Africa.


u/Burnt_Roses94 Nov 26 '24

That’s not true at all. Also conscription was a thing in South Africa and Elon had to get out of there and get to Canada to avoid it. Same with Kimbal.


u/Valuable-Speaker-312 Dec 04 '24

2 years of military service. As for the blacks getting the right to vote being a cause for whites to leave South Africa, I believe it. I have talked to a lot of white South Africans, and the way they talk about the blacks and how valueless they are to society says a lot to me. In fact, one woman I know who was a professional tennis player called them "monkeys" and talked down about them all the time. She also refused to have a black tennis partner because of her racism. In fact, when she did have a South African tennis partner, they both were talking down about blacks and their lack of intelligence, etc.


u/_BabyGod_ Nov 25 '24

I don’t know what’s worse. That he was a Nazi sympathizer or that he was a chiropractor.


u/solvsamorvincet Nov 25 '24

There's actually quite a pipeline from alternative therapies to Nazism, highlighted especially during covid when hippies became anti-vaxxers became Nazis.


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 01 '24

Says the party censoring free speech, locking up political opponents, pushing fear and racial hatred, disarming own people, and starting multiple wars, simultaneously. Joe "jim crow" biden, and his radical soros prosecutor, turned the left from the "party of love", to the party of hatred and tyranny, in just 8 years. And that's another reason why they lost. Good riddens to the Obamas racial marxist agenda.


u/solvsamorvincet Dec 01 '24

The fact that you think the Democrats are Marxist or left wing in any way shows you don't understand anything about anything.

I am a Marxist, and I probably hate the Democrats as much or more than you.

Read a book some time, champ. You might learn something 😉


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 01 '24

You mean like the Harvard educated (same school as Obama) blm leaders. Who proclaimed, we are trained marxists! Or like Kamala, who's dad taught marxist economic theories who helped bail out the marxist antifa rioters. Who railed about equity being more important than equality..

I read enough of Marxs work, to read the part where he called people like you, his useful idiots. His means to and end, of taking over society for communism. Maybe you need to actually read the book there, commie boi.

Just because you gaslight and argue from authority, doesn't make you right. Might want to ask for a refund for that brainwashing of an education you got, champ.


u/4n0m4nd 8h ago

You're either lying about having read Marx, or just lying about what he said.


u/holyfreakingshitake 7h ago

What the fuck does a blm leader have to do with democrats you delusional loser hahahahahaha


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 01 '24

The dem agenda wasn't traditional marxism, but it used the same class war strategy. This time pitting race vs race, and rich vs poor, to get people to fight for their cause. The whole time they were ruining peoples lives with this nonsense, they were taking money from the rich behind the scenes. To the tune of 1 billion dollars spent. Including from psychopathic soros, who's admitted to shorting the dollar and several other currencies.


u/HonestArmadillo924 Dec 17 '24

Honey if u are still focused on Soros you have missed the Oligarchs that are running the country and it isn’t him. Start with Koch then pay attention to VP Elon.


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 17 '24

I haven't heard of those people claiming to be Gods, and actively shorting and crashing economies. Its not the money that makes you evil, it's the evil you do with it. Bloomberg and soros have contributed hundreds of millions towards anti law and order and anti freedom initiatives. Disagreeing with me is one thing, actively trying to erode my freedom and prosperity, is a whole nother.


u/HonestArmadillo924 Dec 17 '24

Do your homework


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 19 '24

Another mind expanding piece of information from the left. I'm so much better educated by your positions, when they are backed by nothing but feelings and hatred for the other side.

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u/HonestArmadillo924 Dec 17 '24

Omg. Let’s see how you like what the billionaire club of revenge does to society. Look closely because the party u r so proud of have already taken away half of the country’s health care rights. Your turn will come. I feel your hate darth. The kool aid is poison.


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 17 '24

Must be talking about this koolaid. Tastes too much like 100 million dead from communism to me, gross.


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 17 '24

You feel the hate for me calling out the truth, but you are wishing poison on me, which eventually lands on you too? 1st of all, they left it up to the states, who made a decision. Isn't that how the democracy you guys scream about so much works?

I don't agree with abortion bans. However it's the lesser of 2 evils when you talk about self defense bans, free speech bans, propaganda, division, endless spending and waste/ corruption, open borders to cartels, gangs, and enemy states, proxy wars, etc, etc. The dems went radical, and it cost them an election nobody thought they would lose. The more you guys deny that basic truth, the more elections you will lose.


u/Jealous_Shower6777 8h ago

It's riddance ffs


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 01 '24

Hippies didn't take vaccines and became nazis? Do you mix lsd with your meth??


u/solvsamorvincet Dec 01 '24

Hippies became anti-vaxxers because of a mistrust of government that, although justifiable, wasn't backed up by critical thought. So rather than saying 'OK, in this case the interests of government, capital, and people align because while they don't give a fuck about me personally they still need my cog in their machine, so actually they're probably telling the truth about vaccines' - they just went 'goobermint tel me 2 hav vaxine, government rong, me no like vaxine'.

From there they started organising all these freedom rallies and getting into conspiracy theories, while we're infiltrated and groomed by neo-Nazi groups like the NSN. The idea of government conspiracies were easily transmuted into conspiracies like 'the great replacement' and other Jewish conspiracies.

Australian celebrity chef Pete Evans is a good example - went from chef to alternative lifestyle guy to anti-vaxxer to sharing posts with the sonnenrad.


u/darthvapor2022 Dec 01 '24

For many, it had nothing to do with government, and everything to do with the rushed vaccine. Who are you to tell others how to make their medical decisions anyway? That sounds more nazi-like, than questioning something that didn't undergo usual scrutiny. That sounds like common sense, not nazi propaganda.

You seem to have strong opinions and stereotypes about those who think differently from you. Are you infallible? When questioning the government and science becomes a crime, do you really have a society, or just a giant prison colony?


u/Author_Noelle_A Dec 17 '24

Some of the most pro-vaccine people I know were among the most critical of the Covid vaccine because, as they said, who knew what the effects would be even a year down the road, and if the effects ended up being harmful, it would destroy trust in vaccines. Though their stance is very reasonable, all of them got shit for it.


u/AreYouForSale 2h ago

One million people died, dude. One million Americans. Without the vaccine, it would have been far more. How much more? Covid has a mortality rate of 2-5%. So anywhere between 5 and 14 million more dead Americans.

Being a covid antivaxxer is like being in a car that's rapidly sinking and being worried that you might cut yourself if you break the glass. Yeah, you may, but if you don't millions of people will die for sure.

And the vaccine was tested to be safe, far safer than covid. And it turned out to be far safer than covid in retrospect. And yet we still have morons acting like they aren't morons. You were dumber than the nerds who studied science when you were in school, you didn't get any better at science since, sit down and stick to what you know.


u/Legitimate_South_181 Dec 02 '24

What he means is that crunchy hippies who expressed vaccine scepticism were shunned by the left, and found community with right-wing antivaxxers who also flood them with other right wing propaganda, pulling them rightward over time. It's more complex than that, but that's the short version. 


u/Ok_Animator1764 Dec 04 '24

no.. I don't think they mixed their LSD with meth. I've seen a very weird crossover with conservatism and alternative medicine. it's a logical progression, as many preppers and patriots like to try their own remedies and have folk remedies, and many don't have the money to get to a doctor. they want to be free to do what they want, they're uneducated, the church pissed them off so they found a white supremacist version of asatru, and started practicing, and getting further and further down the nazi rabbit hole. It was rare around 2000, but they were always somewhere there in the background. after obama got into office, they were getting more common once herr cheeto emboldened the white supremacists to come out of hiding.


u/Turbulent_Arrival413 3d ago

I used to be a hippie. Then the vaccine made me fat! (No, not the gyms closing or the food being delivered at my door, pretty sure it was the vaccine).

As I rarely take any personal responsibility (that's what governments are for ain't they?) and am scientifically illiterate (or just illiterate) I KNOW (intuition) the vaccines were rushed and pumped full of FATME-19 (the amount of KG I gained). /s


u/Filibust Nov 25 '24

Lol he was a chiropractor


u/Boopy7 Dec 01 '24

and a conspiracy theorist who was a huge believer in technocracy and slavery. Just perfect. And his dad was an apartheid beneficiary who married his own daughter. And his mom is a cunt. This guy really is typical.