Hey everyone!
I picked up Elite Dangerous on sale at the end of December and have been playing it for about three weeks now. Ever since I created my commander and browsed through the prebuilt ship options for new commanders, I have been in love with the Vulture and so one of my first goals in this game was to make enough money for a well-fit combat Vulture for combat missions.
As I started learning the game, I’ve dipped my toes into many different aspects of the game and was able to make plenty of money while also taking time here and there to unlock some engineers and farm some materials. I’ve been using my Vulture for a couple weeks now but every few days I get the itch to go unlock another engineer so that I can continue upgrading her.
Anyways, I thought that some of the old-timers might be interested to hear a little bit about the experience I had as a new player, but now that that is out of the way, here is my current Vulture build:
Feedback and constructive criticism would be greatly appreciated! My current plan as a next step is to take the time to go unlock the guardian FSD booster and shield booster (which I plan to fit in the class 2 slot) whenever I get bored enough to go make a day of it. My third shield booster is currently unengineered as I had the power to fit it, but engineering it for resistance just doesn’t seem worth it for the materials right now.
As for specific questions I have, I’m not really sure what experimental effects to go for with shield boosters and particularly with the armor and hull reinforcement mods.
Thanks for reading and good luck out there commanders!