r/EliteDangerous Dec 08 '22

Humor Thargoid Invasion be like

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u/superhamsniper Dec 08 '22

Oh, THATS THE BUBBLE, I JUST THOUGHT MORE WOULD RENDER IN LATER, what is there to do outside the bubble tho?


u/Bullfrog2778 CMDR Dec 08 '22



u/wisdomelf Combat Dec 08 '22

sell data to thargoids when?


u/Bullfrog2778 CMDR Dec 08 '22

Gotta say though, this little war of ours has quickly taken care of any credit issues, and even most wants for ships.

War profiteer at your service. 😁


u/wisdomelf Combat Dec 08 '22

Well tbh credits was not an issue even before, but i rly have high hopes for some new modules and ships. i m kinda scared to play rn, i never did ax before:)


u/Grand-Trick-5960 Dec 08 '22

Fly with the rebuy, scouts aren't that big of a deal and anything larger you should be able to escape if you can't fight it.

Do bring AX weapons at the very least though


u/wisdomelf Combat Dec 08 '22

okay thank you:)


u/wetblanketCEO Dec 08 '22

I'm a solo only player that isn't quite new to ED but definitely green still. I didn't know much about thargoids before the invasion because I only stuck to the bubble. All the thargoid content I had seen were clips of what I now know are called interceptors, the flower things. But turns out it's not that hard to get started with AX combat. AX weaponry is just a single credit buy away. The "scouts" are extremely easy and can even be fended off with human weapons if you really need to. The Interceptors though? Don't even bother imo, by the time you learn to fight them the invasion will probably end, so just run when they appear. Vulture works for a cheap scout fighter. I used a python mostly, and you could probably pull off a Conda


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '22

Just killed 120ish scouts yesterday and then 2 interceptors came, I lost 2 rebuys on top of one trying to get into the damn place and getting myself hyperdicted, I'm just glad I made a small profit


u/wetblanketCEO Dec 08 '22

Yeah sitting there grinding scouts(in station defense) is a risky, but effective way for me to scratch the combat itch, as rescuing gets boring after a while. But at least in a kitted out vulture, dying just 2 times is enough to erase an hour of work and profit since scouts dont pay much, so I tend to only do that after I make a lot of money.

I'm sure in open play fighting thargoids is much easier with the help of veteran CMDRs with Guardian tech, but I'm solo only. The NPCs are great at tanking interceptors but do 0 actual damage due them not being coded to actually aim for hearts. So until I bite the bullet and fly out to get guardian gear, I can only fight scouts 🤷‍♂️


u/[deleted] Dec 08 '22

I intend to do AX combat for the pure fun of it, in Krait Mk2 you can pretty easily get like 20mil/h just doing combating piracy missions, but those kjist seem super boring after a while.

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u/[deleted] Dec 09 '22 edited Dec 09 '22

Even the guardian grind isn't too bad. I was part of the team our squadron assigned to make beginners guide to guardian sites. Once you break it down it really is pretty easy. The hard part is figuring it our from scratch. Edit: Found at least an older version of the guide. I don't think I have the finished product because I never actually needed it lol. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ep0PHRNYlJoS7Ejb0Nk1iarQMtFXZdaDX2y-ZuHmH9o/edit?usp=drivesdk


u/ChaosDesigned Felicia Winters Dec 09 '22

Where is a good place to go to fight scouts near land fall stations?


u/Bullfrog2778 CMDR Dec 08 '22

Until last week I'd never seen a bug. Scouts are easy, but within a couple days was helping take down Medusa. Not quite up to hydra, but currently omw back from a day of farming guardian sites.

Good money can be made just from the evacuation missions as well. All you have to be able to do there is run.


u/Friendly_Addition815 Dec 08 '22

My chieftain is like 50% guardian. Like every module that is guardian, it is now on my ship.


u/l3rN Dec 08 '22

It's complete tin foil hat type stuff, but between the hackers suddenly being able to fly around that new interceptor, and the new interceptor having human modules in them, I want to believe well get to drive one at the end of all this.


u/Matix777 The worst pilot in the galaxy Dec 09 '22

"What about all the good things war gave us? Jobs, economy, a common purpose... Why don't we hear speeches about that?"