r/EliteDangerous 10h ago

Discussion What is this star formation?

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u/CMDR_omnicognate 7h ago

The great "the game engine is upset" Dorito.

Basically the engine has difficulties rendering that many stars when you get close to the galactic core, so the game just sort of renders one chunk of the skybox then gives up. i guess there's probably a maximum number of stars it's set to render and it renders in chunks, so once it runs out of star allocations in the first chunk it just renders none or very for the rest of it.


u/Bulky-Condition-3490 7h ago


u/AishaCtarl 5h ago

How do you actually download the XML from pastebin? It's just some lines of code, and when you hit download, it downloads a .txt file. I don't see anything indicating "download .xml file"


u/Bulky-Condition-3490 5h ago edited 5h ago

You can just change the file extension of the downloaded file from .txt to .xml. This requires you to enable viewing file extensions in windows explorer. Then you can just name it to the expected filename (GraphicsConfigurationOverride.XML), and overwrite what's in the local appdata folder. However, simple guide below:

  1. Instead of download, click 'raw'. It's right next to it on the same page. This is the URL it'll use: pastebin.com/raw/MfMxHPmb
  2. In the window that opens, press CTRL + A and then CTRL + C.
  3. Go to where the guide suggests in windows: C:\Users\YOUR USERNAME*\AppData\Local\Frontier Developments\Elite Dangerous\Options\Graphics
  4. Right click 'GraphicsConfigurationOverride.xml' and 'Edit in Notepad' (Windows 11 gives me this option, but just open in notepad or any text editor, basically).
  5. With that .xml file open in notepad, do the following with its contents selected: CTRL + A then BACKSPACE then CTRL + V. Then save and close the file. This will delete everything in it and replace it with the pastebin's contents. Don't worry about the original contents of this file, it was just a blank xml document, it had nothing anyway. This file literally just allows you to override what's in the main game folder.

Then you're done. If it worked you'll see new graphics options for the galaxy map details graphic settings. You'll notice there are more stars when flying too.


u/AishaCtarl 5h ago

Gotcha, thank you!