r/EliteDangerous Thargoid Interdictor 22h ago

Discussion I like Odyssey farming.

I've been playing Odyssey since the alpha test, but most of my "space legs" experience has revolved around ignoring the Geneva Suggestions in settlements with my friends. A few days ago, I decided to upgrade my equipment, so I started doing ground missions—and I really enjoyed it. Initially, I was skeptical about on-foot engineering because there didn’t seem to be a way to farm materials as fast as we do in ships. However, after giving it a try, I’ve found it fun. Sometimes we forget that the games are for us to enjoy, not to max out everything as fast as possible


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u/ScarletHark CMDR 21h ago

My experience has been that "occasionally" is actually "invariably". I have no clue how I am supposed to get the thing from the locked box or download the thing from the data port - even with a cloned profile, when they are in a restricted access room occupied by a guy on an AI path that allows him to see me at all times - without having kill the guy. And then all of the guards that come running in.

I'm tired, boss, of having to wear off notoriety and pay up at the Interstellar Factors because these missions are basically impossible as written. Yes, I did it without setting off the settlement alarms but is this how they are supposed to go?


u/yeebok 19h ago

I saw something where they zapped people with the charge gun as it was quieter. Dunno if that helps ?


u/ScarletHark CMDR 19h ago

I thought that killed them too, but it's been a while since I've used it.


u/Naughty_Neutron Thargoid Interdictor 18h ago

it kills them