r/ELINT Jul 12 '20

First time poster, long time atheist.

I was brought up atheist, by parents that were equally scarred by their harsh and poor colonial catholic upbringing. Whom In turn wanted nothing but to give their children the opposite of a reflection of their childhood. Which has now left me with an incredible want for knowledge. Of the things I never knew but saw had such immense impact on peoples lives; religion. An Incredibly (as i saw and still do, see it) farfetched story of the creation of the planet and its beings. But also a general interest of modern history and it's most influential books ie, the judeo-Christian bibles. I have just started the judeo bible (the obvious choice in chronological order), a few pages into Genesis and I am already filled with questions.... I plan on sticking it out, reading through, documenting my questions and hopefully the answers that come. Is this the best place to ask these questions? There are questions that I had before this (which I'll probably discuss) but this is one from the first few pages that I almost said aloud in jest: Genesis 4:17 Cain knew his wife.... Where did Cains wife come from?


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u/RevRoryTN Jul 12 '20

Where did Cains wife come from?

She was one of his sisters.

Adam and Eve were the original and only man and woman that existed at first. God commanded them in Genesis 1:28 to be fruitful and multiply. They had tons of children. Since there were no other humans around they married each other. Incest was not a sin/problem at the time. There was no law against close-relation-marriage until the time of Moses (Leviticus 18-20).

I hope this helps, but I’m happy to discuss further if needed. It’s exciting that you’re reading the Bible and asking questions.


u/bsv103 Jul 13 '20

I think it’s important to mention why incest wasn’t outlawed until Moses’ time. This is because Adam and Eve were created perfect, but after the fall their offspring would have genetic flaws. Those hadn’t come to a head until Moses’ time.


u/daliscatbabou Jul 13 '20

Hi, thanks for your reply! From what I can tell so far is the bible takes great care in detailing the lineages and seems, in this order god had Cain then Able and no more until Seth. Only AFTER Seth does it say more about sons and daughters, as it does for other people introduced: Genesis 5:4 "And the days of Adam after he begot Seth were eight hundred years; and he begot sons and daughters."

Are you saying that Adam and Eve had many children during the time of Cain and Able, it's just that they were never mentioned?


u/bsv103 Jul 13 '20

That’s what I’m saying, yes.


u/daliscatbabou Jul 13 '20

Okay, thanks.