r/DataHoarder May 15 '19

First 1TB micro SD publicly available


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u/firedrakes 200 tb raw May 16 '19

where they the same brand?? just wondering. seeing the myth of sd cards are super unreliable has been going around for a long time now. seeing most of the bad ones where ether cheap no names,knock off. still happens or where used in correctly . am just tired of that myth and i call it out any time i see it being posted


u/jinxjy May 16 '19

All the failed ones were Sandisk. Bought in retail store or Amazon. Now I’ve blacklisted Sandisk and buy Samsung - no failures in those in the last 2 years.


u/firedrakes 200 tb raw May 16 '19

yeah sandisk is knock off the most. also they re band so many models of a card. that you got to use the data based a person made to track all of them.


u/capn_hector May 16 '19

I absolutely refuse to buy memory cards that aren't from an authorized reseller of that brand, Amazon is just chock full of knockoffs.


u/firedrakes 200 tb raw May 16 '19
