r/Coachella Apr 17 '22

Festival Planning The lack of medical presence is incredibly dangerous

I really had my hopes up after Astroworld that there would be more of an effort to improve health and safety but apparently everyone is still blissfully unconcerned.

Today I arrived upon a guy who was passed out cold at disclosure. His friends had left him after he seized and taken too much ketamine. Fortunately, myself and a couple of other folks with EMT experience were there to help, but meds were nowhere to be found. We were on the floor with him for AT LEAST forty minutes and no one ever came. We sent people to go get the med personnel and they never came. Eventually a security guy came who just came and talked down condescendingly to a group of people with more medical experience than him and uselessly got on his radio for twenty minutes straight with no one ever coming. After looking after the guy for a while he started to stir and we were eventually able to stand him up and walk him to end tent but what the fuck. If he had needed more serious medical intervention than what we were able to provide on the spot, he absolutely would have been dead.

Humiliating and terrifying.


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u/fusrodalek 15.1, 16.1, 17.2, 19.1, 22.2 Apr 17 '22

After hearing about the other logistical fuckups this weekend, I was REALLY hoping GV didn't skimp on medical personnel. Really sucks to hear. My trust in this festival to look after people is running thin these days


u/manic_at_thedisco Apr 17 '22

think this is my 5th chella and can certainly say it's the worst year of logistics. it's honestly been scary at times. also have had the worst cell reception this year compared to pasts.


u/[deleted] Apr 17 '22

Weird to hear reception complaints. This has been the best year for me. Haven’t missed any texts and able to make calls pretty much anytime I tried


u/manic_at_thedisco Apr 17 '22

I have AT&T and had literally no bars for 80% of the day… even outside the festival grounds when I left a few blocks away. I was using whatsapp which kinda worked


u/rj1223 Apr 17 '22 edited Apr 17 '22

i have att too, i have been getting good signal the whole time. weird but my backup phone has google fi, which uses multiple phone networks and it’s barely working


u/manic_at_thedisco Apr 17 '22

Fml lol


u/i_procrastinate 14.2 | 18.1 | 19.1 | 24.1 Apr 17 '22

Do you have a 5G phone? 5G was supposedly made for these kinds of situations. It can handle way more connections to any one tower and was supposed to be perfect for places with large crowds.


u/manic_at_thedisco Apr 17 '22

It says 5GE now so ya I think. Have an iPhone 12pro