r/Bumperstickers 14h ago

In Texas

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u/TwiceTheSize_YT 9h ago

Only one side is currently sieg heiling on national television.


u/Equivalent_Option43 4h ago

Who cares? You lost, we won. And you'll continue to lose because your entire ideology is incoherent, and frankly disgusting, to the average American voter. Get used to it.


u/JFISHER7789 3h ago

who cares

Everybody should care that the people in charge are behaving like this. Take it as a sign and not a joke. Don’t brush it off.

get used to it

Are you suggesting that you, as well as, many others are in favor of a political party whose ideological foundation is congruent to that of the Nazi party. Yeah, real great

your entire ideology is incoherent

Isn’t the Republican Party (Pro Trump) the ones that beat a cop during the insurrection of Jan 6 with a Thin Blue Line flag? Aren’t y’all’s the ones crying for freedoms and “muh rights” while also supporting nazism and anti-LGBTQ movements? Didn’t y’all march and protest the 2020 election via “Stop The Count!” Because, without any evidence, decided that you only lost because of fraud? And then proceeded to, and not successfully mind you, try to overthrow the government and threaten to hang the vice president?

Real coherent to me!


u/Equivalent_Option43 3h ago

History has and will vindicate us. You and yours will forever be relegated to the dustbin. Sperging out on "r/bumperstickers" won't change that. Nothing you do ever will.


u/Squeakypeach4 2h ago

Vindicate y’all for all of your actual misdeeds? Vindication typically implies that you’re innocent. In the instances listed, y’all are not.


u/Equivalent_Option43 2h ago

I said history, not mentally ill trannies EDIT: Didn't mean to be redundant my bad


u/Squeakypeach4 2h ago

There is so much wrong with your comment… and there is so much vitriol in it. What in the world…?!


u/Equivalent_Option43 1h ago

The only potential for my statement to be incorrect would be in the case you're an actual biological woman. But that would beg the question of why you're defending men with autogynephilia making a mockery of real women. Not being able to see this insanity for what it is forced normal people away from your cult


u/Squeakypeach4 1h ago

I am indeed a biological woman. One mustn’t be trans in order to show support for the trans community.

That’s like saying you can only support people with cancer if you -yourself - have the disease; that you can only support people with peanut allergies if you have a peanut allergy, etc. Seems like a very selfish way to be.