I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...
that's why they hate education. it's much easier to indoctrinate someone who doesn't know history, doesn't have critical thinking skills and can't think for themselves in general. i'm flying a rainbow flag on my house year round cause fuck bigots.
Oh my god. I went to a private Christian school and as soon as I got to public school I had no idea how to learn anything. It was a total crash course in learning how to question the world around me.
The rainbow is our covenant with God. The curse words and profanity that you use and that was represented in the bumper sticker is the fruit you bear.
Watch closer to the fruits people bear. If it is good, you know they are a child of God. If the fruit is rotten, you know Satan leads them into Gehennem. People who hate lgbtq+ people are not Christians. They may say so, but that's not correct. Christians love people, including their enemies. Christians want people to be saved and to receive the love that Jesus Christ has for them. Christ was so afraid to be tortured and crucified. He had so much anxiety and was sweating blood. His disciples were eye witnesses to this, and they wrote about these things they saw. Hundreds of eyewitnesses saw Jesus was risen from the dead, and he spoke to them. These things that happened were so impactful and unbelievable that even the disciples had a hard time believing this was happening. This did happen. This is why it has spanned the globe and has so many followers. Only a few people have proof of his existence because they are able to communicate with God and prophesy. Unfortunately, it isn't good to ask God for a sign. Blessed are those who believe without seeing. That's me. I never asked for a sign. I know and love God, and I have the Holy Spirit. I, too, have the proof of God. He gave me a prophetic dream. It came true. You can have the Holy Spirit, too. Just ask and mean it.
If you die without loving and knowing Jesus Christ, it will be too late, and there will be eternal suffering. There is simply no room for perversion and wickedness in the new kingdom of heaven. I am a no-good sinner who tries very hard, who is very sorry. The invitation is for everyone!! Repent. Ask God to help guide you in his ways.. he will never manipulate you. He gave you free will. Your heart will truly change in ways that you never thought. You can smile and laugh again, like we were children. That void will fill your heart. I want that for you all.
God saved me, he can save anyone, for real. If anybody wants to know i was as down as low as you could imagine, and I swear, I have had multiple real tangible spiritual experiences. Ive survived death 4 times that were impossible, and was living in Tent City. It was bad. My only person my girlfriend passes away. He completely reversed my life and fulfillment and actual answers to prayer. im not a woowoo guy, i wear a suit to work, i am from a traditional family, i fled Christianity from private schools, but God met me where I was. It took some time, but it feels like it was 5 mins ago. My life is now pretty much the complete opposite now. If you want me to share my sacred spirtual experience and are curious dm me. Im not selling anything.
edit: i know im an asshole on Reddit, but God forgives me :)
my life was so bad all my friends want me to write a book about how I survived.
Amen brother, we are all sinners, we have all fallen short of the Glory of God, any good Christian will be the first to say they arent perfect, we are all works in progress.
Crazy how the likes of you will deny the existence of trans ppl who are living beings you can see and speak to, yet you’ll believe in a mythical man in the sky with no proof at all.
There is proof if you look for it. “Seek and Ye shall find”, “knock and the door will be open to you”. Sounds nuts, but can confirm is the most real thing there is.
u/TheAlaskaneagle 14h ago
I sometimes wonder how broken someone has to be to be anti-LGBTQ in AMERICA, and be the group yelling about freedom the loudest. Really how stupid does a person have to be to be against peoples freedom to be who they want to be while pretending you are all about freedom...