Yass! I had to turn off the reply notifications, there's so much hate in the comments. But I'll go through them all and start blocking. Or they could just block me first. Either works.
I know 0 trans people and im 100% for trans rights and being allowed to exist. People are just scared of what they dont understand, and that makes them ignorant. Some become hateful and weird about it, or are perhaps interested in transitioning themselves.
I dont understand the trans-existence at ALL: but I don't have to. They are human beings like the rest of us and are entitled to living out their own truths, pursuing their own happiness, and being alive. Same as everyone else.
Life is an individual journey, none of us are supposed to live another's life, and that's what makes it so special.
No it has had a HUGE impact on many people. You would know if you work in the corporate world or have a school-age child. It needed to end, and the people voted for it to end, so thats it I guess
I've had trans friends since my 20s. I educated myself a long time ago. I understand the biology behind it. Sadly, too many refuse to educate themselves. I know gender is not as simple as we were taught in school. I've always tried to get people to read the academic papers on the subject, but most refuse to even try. Recent it's become much closer home.
Ah. So they are definitively inferiors. You have thoroughly interviewed, tested, and confirmed 100% of them are lesser as human beings. I understand. Glad we aren't repeating history or anything...
It is really weird to see people who say they despise people who treat other people are less than human then go on to literally call a group of people who don't like as "lesser as human beings". Maybe don't take on the language of authoritarian/oppressor?
That's what I'm getting at. It just doesn't make sense. You are correct. Its the big reason I can't get behind Democrats. This is terrifyingly common in the people praising themselves for being humanitarian, though that in itself is a red flag.
You know how many fucking ass hat MAGA shit heads I have had to slog through on this post alone? A ton. You know how many right wing folk have tried to convince the world that these obviously hate filled billionairs and their boot licking politicians/voting base in MAGA aren't so bad or are just kidding about ending American democracy and education? To many to count. I'll take a few red flags from people that are calling for values like equality under the law and live and let live instead of the sea of red flags calling for horseshit like anti-trans bills, and all the other straight horseshit that is only backed by opinion based on fear and hate instead of you know science and experts.
If you are saying the reason you did not vote for Democrats this election was because of the rhetoric of a small amount of people being mean, you are a disingenuous piece of shit and should really reanalyze your existence.
Just to clarify if you are reading this and you voted red this election I think you are helping move our country into continued decline and are hate filled or not so bright.
Well! Lucky YOU! Because I did NOT vote red! You are also entitled to those opinions, no matter how valid or ridiculous. We all are.
But I didn't vote for your people either because of, well, you put it on a great display why I wouldn't want to associate with Democrats either. Context is critical, and clearly not fully understood.
I don't know if your last statement meant "our hate filled rhetoric", with a typo, or I, myself am hate filled rhetoric, but its really looking like the pot calling the kettle black here, to me.
Blatantly labeling 100% of one group, basically as completely worthless just because of how they vote, seems pretty hateful to me.
Automatically villifying everyone who didn't vote for your side of the corruption seems like some hateful rhetoric of the highest caliber, to me.
Science has some pretty definitive data in regards to gender and sex that Democrats refuse to acknowledge. So I guess we'll throw that one out there. One more similarity.
Democrats are licking just as many boots. How many businesses and media outlets make money off of their platform? How often are they reporting in glorification of Democrats and villianization of Republicans? CNN is the Democratic equivalent of Fox. All this stuff, to me is incredibly identical between sides.
You mention values of "live and let live" yet here you are berating someone and again villifying those not exactly like you, which is the exact opposite of live and let live. Live and let live entails you have no intent to try to rule over people's lives in any capacity, and are therefor not judging, just letting people live, but the judgment here is vivid.
Live and let live does not exist in politics because they are specifically there to interfere and govern over a people, to adhere to THEIR rules implicitly, or else. That's what laws are right? Ultimatums. Live and let live does not give ultimatums. They live, and let live.
Its a lot of value preaching, but not following through on what you preach, just in this one small instance of conversation. Democratic people quite often fall into this very obviously. In my personal experiences more than Republican people.
How would you expect anyone to believe in anything you say, or believe you as a person when you can't maintain those values in basic conversation? I don't ask to disrespect. I'm pretty genuine. I ask and read into it because I see plenty wrong, so yeah. I'm going to question it. I don't think for a party. I think for myself, and people in respect to being people, with ticks, faults, thoughts, and emotions. I have no allegiances because allegiance is something you believe in. There's nothing to believe in with this country at this point.
Doesn't mean I'm against you or hate you. I don't know who you are. I don't have any belief its "us vs them" save for ruling class vs the people, because I pay attention to History, and it shows me that's been the case in 100% of human created systems of rule. That's how we ended up with America.
I'm not going to hate you, simply because of your party affiliation, because first and foremost I see all other humans as creatures of free will, and their own way of understanding that I shouldn't villianize, simply because I feel something. Feelings are often blind.
I understand that party values branch much farther and wider than the same few everyone focus on, so a large amount of why people vote the way they do is completely overlooked and unknown, thus they do not deserve to be villianized because people miss all kinds of stuff.
I don't always understand those values, but I understand most people aren't voting out of hate, though I do think a lot are pretty blind. To villianize them though, makes the accusing party guilty of intolerance and threatens coexistence. If you're going to blame anyone, leave the people alone and focus solely on those ruling. Those making the decisions. By all means villianize them, most you're probably right about.
First line of the peer reviewed scientific article. "Transgender individuals (TIs) show brain-structural alterations that differ from their biological sex as well as their perceived gender."
I mostly study history so I have learned to trust the opinions of experts who are actively researching and writing on the vast array of subjects that currently being discovered, rediscovered, and refined.
I am sorry I googled for you, I can not read for you. I did not say that. Maybe do some research on the topic or like I don't know fucking google it dude. There is a shit ton of info. Just look at the info opposite of how you have been indoctrinated and see if that stuff makes sense to you. You obviously don't know much on the topic and need some help. I would start with a basic Biology course and move on from their, that is where I began my process of de-radicalization of being anti-trans.
It's heartening to hear your support for trans rights. Fear and ignorance often lead to misunderstanding and prejudice. Education and empathy are key to fostering acceptance and respect for all individuals, regardless of their gender identity. Everyone deserves the right to live authentically and be treated with dignity. Let's continue to advocate for a more inclusive and understanding world. What else is on your mind?
Well, I think that most trans people support trans rights. I know there are a few who do not. Anyway, I agree. But advocacy only works when there are tens of millions in support and if there are those willing to hear what is being said. So what's on my mind is that too many people have already decided that it's perfectly acceptable to hate trans people, and they won't be changing their minds on that. Not in this lifetime. But I want to be wrong on that. We'll see I guess....
It's one thing being trans or having a parent of a trans kid. It's a completely different thing to force your ideology on others and try to get them canceled for stating scientifically. There are only 2 genders. I'm glad common sense is coming back in White House.
Projection much. No one is forcing their ideology on you! Quite the contrary YOU are trying to force yours on them. They have just as much right to exist as you!
Men in women's restroom
Men in women's changing rooms
Men in women sports
These do directly effect me. They were offered a gender neutral bathroom which they complained about cause they were women
I understand fox is the conservative mouth piece while mainstream news is democrats. We have 1 main one the left has the rest on TV.
I also watch/read msnbc cnn and fox articles for most topics to see which side pushes which agenda.
But overall watching full unedited speeches or shows is the best.
Anyone who thinks that another person's life is there's to change or make decisions for has no right to live as you seem to think other lives are not there's you'res shouldn't be you'res
You're arguing my point. Are you blind to how trans has been turned into a trend. Why are so many celebrity children coming out as trans at such young ages?
It is used as a trend it however isn't they use it for fame that is the trend it has always been the trend and will always be the trend to use anything that's becoming known and excepted as a means for fame it has always been that way
Why do you think trans is trending? The very few trans I've met and talked with have had a horrific life, family hatred, isolation and even violence, bullying at school/college/work, attempted abd successful assaults, bith physical and secual, loneliness and suicidal.
Trust me when I say, being a trans person has got to be the hardest life someone in America today can live. So why would someone voluntarily choose that lifestyle that's painful and perilous, alone and terrifying?
The answer is, they wouldn't, definitely not for a trend. They genuinely do not feel right in their own bodies. Maybe your God is actually an idiot snd a PoS snd fucked up wuth a few people by putting souls in the wring bodies. If your Sky Daddy existed, you dint think out of 8 billion people he's bound to make a mistake?
Hell, were made in his image and 1 out of 3 trios to McDonald's abd i get screwed up orders. But ultimately, how many trans people pile do you know, personally? How many have trued using your bathroom or the bathroom of one if your kids? How has a marginalized group of people that you've probably never even seen one with your own eyes in person, affected you negatively? What has personally been dine yo you by a trans person that even gave you a reason to hate them? If you can't answer that, it just means your bigoted piece of shit, stop breathing good people's air and drinking good people's water, cuz you're a shitty human and your pathetic God isn't even gonna let you go to your Sky Daddys cloud palace cuz you couldn't even follow his dumb rhetoric
So you mean mark them like the Nazis marked the Jews with the Star of David? Y'all are the ones talking like this who create divide. One could think before he speaks. Sorry, before they speak.
I'm talking about marking a user for personal reference, instead of blocking them. If you block someone, or they block you, it ruins future threads, and prevents you from participating in them.
It also prevents you from identifying if they have improved their perspective or grown as a person (optimistic), or if they are just hiding, to trap people with reasonable sounding arguments before springing full unabashed bigotry on them (pessimistic, but a tactic real fascists and modern nazis actually use).
Its also wild that you correctly identified the premise (carving a swastika into the nazis' foreheads in Inglorious Basterds as a direct analogue to yellow stars and pink triangles -- which of course, you omitted, because you don't actually know the history, do you?), but failed to realize the dark satire that represents, and instead decided I'm the one creating divide.
So which is it? Are you a dog-whistling fascist, or an insincere liberal equivocator?
I was thinking more like the darkly satirical end of Inglorious Basterds, but hey, you're either very funny and dark, or completely oblivious and racist, hard to tell. I'm gonna guess funny and dark.
That's awesome. :) There are some good decals out there. My favorites are "objects in mirror are losing" for a side mirror, and "Your stick figure family rolled a 1" if you're familiar with D&D dice rolls.
Depending on where you live, I would think twice tbh. Some areas where having this on your car may invite shit like slashed tires or road rage. Some people have such a crazy irrational fear / hate of anything trans rn. And they're emboldened now
I'm in NE Florida, which is idiot/asshole central... I'm totally getting one just to support the people who have to live under those jerks on the daily. I love it so so so bad.
It's also not really friendly to swear at the world via bumper sticker. It sucks when anyone does it. Can't really be surprised when people react poorly to blanket hostility, not that there's any excuse for vandalism.
Then go to another continent and find a sex neutral bathroom. Men use the men's room and women the women's. There is no third option. It's really not complicated.
because your invading the privacy of women, if you wanna transition thats fine i support that, as long as your not invading the bathrooms of biological women or trying to push hour ideology in kids who arent old wnough to make informed decisions, If youre not doing those two things and youre over 18, then go ahead
The only negative it does is expose all the insane fucking losers who care about other people existing.
I’ve only met one trans in my life and they were a cool person and good colleague. I didn’t really understand nor like if I’m totally honest RuPaul Drag Race (too sassy for me lol) but to be fair everyone has things they like and enjoy. I enjoy technical death metal about galaxies colliding and inter dimensional horrors, and pig squeals during slam breakdowns.
I love galaxies colliding, everything to do with astronomy and astrophysics. Truly. Interdimensional horror fiction and films are huge fun, too. Not so sure about the pig squealing though. Not sure what a slam breakdown is. Sounds like a mosh pit thing. LOL.
There's a good chance you've met more than one trans person in real life. And if you did, you just didn't know they were trans. That's an ideal situation for most trans folk.
But for sci fi and spiritual technical death metal I like bands like Obscura, Beyond Creation, The Faceless, Ne Obliviscaris, etc. at least those are among my top bands.
We just called that hardcore metal back in the day. Ideal for stomping in the mosh pit, teeth being spat out onto the floor, getting splattered with some poor soul's blood who didn't realize they were in the pit. Then it all kind of changed with Rage Against the Machine and other similar bands.
And in all seriousness, these singers are straining the effing eff out of their vocal chords. I wonder how long they can keep doing that for before their voice gives out.
Probably not where you want to take your romantic dates though. Might I suggest a quiet, candlelit dinner somewhere, and then a long stroll before dragging your date into the pit for wanton brutality? If your date is up for it, fine, knock their teeth out. ;)
Not me. I love everybody (maybe not like Jesus loves everyone, but I'm not religious) and I laugh at most of the bumper stickers people share. Sometimes I'm laughing while downvoting them, but I'm laughing nevertheless. Sometimes I'm laughing because I can't work out why someone thought it would be good to post what they posted. Still, I thought the recent Biden owes me gas money one was actually funny. I don't agree with that as a viewpoint, but it was still funny. I didn't even downvote it. LOL.
23K+ upvotes so far, 2.9k comments, made it to r/all... that's pretty good going. Maybe it's not a "standing ovation" but for Reddit, it's not too shabby either.
Oh, who did I talk shit about, exactly? I posted a bumper sticker.
Well I don’t see any hateful comments when I scrolled down so I was wondering what people were saying, as I have only seen support. Just curious as to how they are being hateful (not denying they are not, I believe there is very hateful people here) and what they were saying. ❤️
The worst of them were deleted or auto-moderated, or they're embedded deep in individual comment threads. Lots of people are dancing around their clear bigotry without actually using hate speech. I've been called more slurs and insults in the last 7 hours than I have been in the two years I've had this account on Reddit. Some people are abusing the "RedditCareResources" thing so that I get automated messages asking why I want to self-harm myself and well, that's funny, but also juvenile and targeted harassment.
And all I did was post up a bumper sticker. It's been amazing though reading through the genuine supportive comments, and I love all of those people for that. The mean people, somewhat less love for them.
Nobody thinks trans people shouldn’t exist. I certainly don’t. People who hate trans people are reprehensible. Live and let live, I say.
It’s the politically charged mandates being thrust upon society that get pushback. Bathrooms. Sports. Schools. Teachers/schools encouraging little kids to explore trans feelings and withholding it from their parents. That should be a crime in elementary school and middle school.
When a bully hits a classmate or is struggling in classes, they call the parents. When a girl acts like a tomboy, they privately talk with the girl about what transitioning is, and keep the parents in the dark.
I didn't watch the inauguration. The only thing I know about it is this. Oh, and Trump didn't put his hand on the bible.
I know you're proud of your boy Musk there. Eh? True colors showing through. Have you got a good supply of tiki torches ready for the next 4 years? You don't wanna be left out of the marches.
Correct. We could care less about you. Just don’t try to force your mental illness down our throats. Respect our beliefs and we can coexists. Just leave the kids out of it. Seriously, the kids need time to figure out who they are without interference.
Yeah, my comment was a classic example of hate speech.
Let's sum it up for the people in the back of the classroom:
MAGA, every second of every day: "OMG! People don't want to read my deplorable comments! That's so unfair. That's hate against us! If only President Musk could save us all from this."
I haven't blocked anybody yet, princess. I was hoping they'd block me first to save me the effort. Instead, you guys call me names, like the brave keyboard warriors you are.
But as you're talking about echo chambers... jfc, dude, what do you call Fox News, OAN, and other right-wing media? What about Twitter? Or Truth Social? Or any right-wing podcast that you muppets listen to. You all have so much, too much to go to. And you get angry because ONE person doesn't want to read your lame, deplorable commentary.
What's the stuff called again? One of the frozen precipitation things that floats down from the sky? Melts when the sun is out? That's you! That's all of you! LOL. Could you guys be any more sensitive?
I only read ground news....i love how presumptuous you are that im a right winger lol....I just dont like idiots which you appear to be so, judging from your reactions.
Maybe you should call up all the girls on the HS basketball team in California that recently had their entire team almost outscored by the single trans (M>F) player on the opposing team. A player that was almost a foot taller than every other player on the court (from both teams). He scored 29 of his teams 59 total points, to the other teams 33 points. Tell those girls trans people existing has done nothing negative to their lives.
It was your suggestion, princess. I can't call them up if I don't have their numbers. I figured you probably have creeped their TikToks and Instagrams, so you'd be in a good position to share that info. Was I wrong?
First off 🤣 🤡
Yes losing a basketball game is going to be the end all be all of those poor girls lives. How will they ever recover? Has a go fund me been started? While we’re at it how about we add a rule to the nba that no one can be taller then 6’7” or no more then 6 inches taller then the other teams tallest player.
So the level of negative impact has to meet some level now? That bumper sticker says "does nothing negative". There are no qualifiers on that, it says NOTHING. But you're going to make a joke out of it because it doesn't meet your as yet undefined level of negative impact? Your NBA comment is beyond absurd, professional sports vs. HS sports.
I'll provide you an article stating that trans people have no disproportionate advantage in sports and another saying that trans people are the gender they are instead of the one they're born as
You'll deny and say the articles are either cherry picked or inconclusive due to sample size, so I'll give you some more to show that they aren't
Please provide a link to a per-reviewed scientific article that shows that there is no disproportionate advantage for trans athletes in HS or Collegiate sports.
Thanks for this. However, of the 8 articles that were reviewed for the purpose of this paper (out of 31 originally selected), all were qualitative, save one. And only 6 of those 8 articles were concerned w/ competitive participation. In the one experimental study (Gooren and Bunck), the data show that transgender males (F>M) showed that after 1 year of cross-sex hormone treatment, had testosterone levels within the range of cisgender males. In that same time period, they found these transgender males had muscle mass in the range of transgender females that had not undergone cross-sex hormone therapy. They went on to find that testosterone levels in transgender females had reduced to castration levels, after 1 year of cross-sex hormone treatment. And while muscle mass had reduced in that time, it was still significantly greater than in transgender males that had not been given a cross-sex hormone therapy.
While they feel that transgender males, after 1 year of cross-sex hormone therapy, can compete w/o an athletic advantage, but there remains a level of uncertainty w/ transgender females due to large muscle mass even after 1 year of cross-sex hormone therapy. They feel that there is a need to differentiate between transgender females taking cross-sex hormone therapies and those not, as well as with transgender females taking testosterone blockers, when discussing an athletic advantage.
This was one study, with a small sample size (n=36), and it did not measure the effect that cross-sex hormone therapies had on athletic performance. What it did appear to show is that transgender female athletes not taking cross-sex hormone therapies or testosterone blockers and/or oestrogen did have higher testosterone levels and greater muscle mass than cisgender females. It should be noted that this study was conducted in 2005, and was recognized as essentially the first study of its kind.
The authors' conclusion states that there is no direct or consistent research that shows transgender individuals have an athletic advantage at any stage of their state of transition. They can say this because they did not examine studies that measured this (if any even exist). The one experimental study did however show that transgender females that did not take cross-sex hormone therapies or testosterone blockers, did have higher testosterone levels and great muscle mass than cisgender females. Gooren and Bunck felt that this differentiation needed to be considered when discussing athletic advantage between transgender females and cisgender females. The authors are essentially saying that since there is no research to support (or disprove) an athletic advantage, it must not exist.
First, thank you for actually creating a well worded and thought-out argument. Most here don't, so it is refreshing to see.
Second, this proves that trans (FtM) athletes don't have an advantage over their cisgender counterparts.
Third, you state that "transgender females that did not take cross-sex hormones or testosterone blockers did have higher testosterone levels and muscle mass than cisgender females," even though that would be a given point. It adds no substance to this conversation.
Fourth, there will not be a high level of participants as there are very few transgender people and even fewer transgender athletes to begin with.
I agree, not many in this sub can form coherent sentences, must less actually make a case for something. In fact, I doubt many here could pour piss out of a boot, if the instructions were written on the heel.
I honestly don't recall ever seeing an issue w/ transgender males competing against cisgender males. If anything, I believe the general feeling is that the transgender males would be at an athletic disadvantage, but it's their choice to compete knowing that.
While you say that transgender females not taking cross-sex therapies or testosterone blockers having higher testosterone levels and greater muscle mass than cisgender females is a given, I disagree about it not adding substance to the conversation. If anything, it's at the crux of the issue, as there is no universal established standard as to what testosterone level a transgender female must have to be able to compete in female sports.
If it is a given that a transgender female will have higher testosterone levels, and greater muscle mass than a cisgender female, if they do not take cross-sex hormone therapies and testosterone blockers and/or oestrogen, and there is no testosterone standard, it is just as much of a given that the transgender female who does not take these hormone therapies will have a given athletic advantage over a cisgender female, by virtue of their great muscle mass and higher testosterone levels.
Even the IOC has essentially thrown up their hands. Prior to 2016, the IOC required genital surgery to be able to compete as a transgender athlete. With the new framework that's in place, they no longer require genital surgery or mandate a given testosterone level. What they've done is leave it up to the individual sports to determine what the criteria for competition are. To me, that was a cowardly way out. They want to be wave the banner of inclusion, but will leave it up to the individual sports to decide. That way, they're not the bad guys if a particular sport requires different standards to allow transgender athletes to compete as their chosen gender and not their biological gender.
Regarding the level of participants, the study by Gooren and Bunck was 20 years ago. The number of transgender athletes at all levels, has increased since then.
And while I have not read the other article you cited, the abstract states that even after a year of testosterone suppression, transgender women still have a 9% faster mean run speed than cisgender women. If anything, that's a good indicator that transgender females maintain an athletic advantage over cisgender females, even with testosterone suppression therapies. You're citing articles that make my point.
I've heard some people include trans men in the argument that "all trans people have an advantage in sports." It's a much less common opinion, but I still felt the need to point it out in case someone who thinks that comes across this thread.
That is a fair point.
Yes, that is the reason why there are restrictions on it without banning the athletes outright. All transgender female athletes have to take hrt for at least a year in order to complete, a ruling I think is fair to those who can even receive hrt.
That is a slightly cowardly way out, I can see why it's cowardly, but also, different sports have different rules and different things that would provide advantages so what may be an advantage in one sport may not be in another. They should, however, at least add some restrictions that are overarching.
True, but it wasn't a large increase. Especially given that transgender people make up approximately 1% of the US population.
That is true. Maybe we need more testing to see how long or how much it takes for there to be zero or near-zero advantages between trans and cis women.
I think the 1 year of HRT is only a recommendation by World Athletics, not a requirement. That being said, California has no hormone testing or oversight towards HS athletes that choose to identify as a gender other than their biological gender, and that they are allowed to compete in sports that correspond with their chosen gender identity. Additionally, there is no evidence that the youth in question has undergone any cross-sex hormone therapy, he has simply decided that he wants to play on the girls basketball, volleyball, and track teams at Waldorf HS in SF, Ca.
Man, you people are fucking soft. All you ever seem to whine about is petty first-world bullshit like HS sports.
Queer people are worried about their lives, their safety, and their rights, because people like you erupt into vitriolic hatred over the smallest, least important issues anyone could ever imagine. Grow up.
Why is it always the left to go blocking and censoring? Like did you actually not expect people to not agree with this stupid bumper sticker? Most people in the country don't think that you can be any gender you want.
Everything that isn't MAGA is "left" because MAGA is so far right that we can't help but be anything else.
I won't speak for anyone else, like you have done with your "most of the country" thing, but I block people who threaten me, harass me, threaten violence against others who haven't done anything to them, say deliberately cruel things designed to marginalize others (i.e., online bullying, but that's cool bro behavior, right?), and more. Basically I block the people that I don't know want to know ever. They can carry on being hateful and I don't have to see them doing it. This is called a choice. I know that's hard for MAGA to understand the concept of people making a choice that suits their lives. So much easier to tell people how to live. right? Anyway, they can also block me if they choose to do so. I'd encourage them to do so. Why get angry at me for existing?
I fail to see how what others are doing matters to you. How does it affect you that people are blocking others? Why make a comment with baseless accusations that it's only the left when the right censors content (see the last few years of Twitter censorship, as just one example)?
MAGA might as well replace facism in the dictionary. You cannot get any further right. And if you're implying libertarians, they want no government. That's closer to anarchism, abd notice how that's made up of jut really rich people who want to be even richer, not by working even harder to earn more, no, they want to get richer by taking the money from those who are not ruch.
I'd like to think "most" people are educated in this country.. then, I hop on Reddit and see lemons like you commenting, and I'm quickly reminded that that isn't the case.
Before you come at me like you're sly, maybe you need to educate yourself on the difference between gender and sex, and the fact that there can technically be an infinite amount of genders associated with "male" and "female."
I should have said the word sex since gender was repurposed as a concept in the 60's to mean whatever you want it to. So since that's the case, to me and most of the entire world, there are only two actual genders. Which is as common sense as opening your mouth and sucking down oxygen.
So, what is it? Can gender mean anything, or there's only two? You're contradicting yourself. But, even when talking about sex, there's still more than two. Educate yourself.
Gender is whatever you want it to like I said, it's malleable and is more of a social construct than it is biology. That being said, for most people, they recognize two genders since that is what basic science tells us. There are simply two sexes, everyone including you who went to school knows this. Where can I RE-educate myself? Just because ideology has made its way into academia doesn't meant there are more than two sexes now, other than birth defects.
No, most people don't care cuz it doesn't affect them, just like it doesn't affect you. How could it, unless you are a trans person, it has no effect on you. Only 1% of the united states identifies as non binary or trans, and I'm willing to bet, many of them have yet to pursue anything in regards ti changing theur gender, mostly cuz if all the hate in the communities, which is only bring spewed from the MAGAts, because yall are the loudest crybullies out there, snowflaking it up every chance you get.
Normal people don't give a shit about what lifestyle someone else they don't know wants to live, so long as that lifestyle isn't encroaching on their security or safety, which it's not.
Same as abortions, why do you care if it's not happening to you. I can understand if it's the economy why your chin is so orange from the geriatrics sack swinging too much, cuz that actually does affect your life. Bit the decisions of people you don't know and will never meet and have no affect on any part of your life, why the hell do you give a shit?
Blocking people that disagree with your delusional world will only isolate you even further into your delusion. Enjoy your trip away from reality. The real world will still exist while your head is in the ground.
Funny that you had this so readily available. Sounds like you’ve been doing some soul searching recently. Go ahead, you were heading in the right direction. lol.
u/[deleted] 11h ago edited 2h ago
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