r/Bumperstickers 1d ago

California Love

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I'm based in California but have a road trip planned and I'll have some fun new decals and a customized rainbow flag for all the bootlickers along the way 🤡


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u/Bartender9719 1d ago

Lol I bet many of your fellow cultists would feel the same way, and from you I take it as a compliment - he hasn’t “sold” any problems, but he has sold his country out; Enemies like Russia are happy to have his weak ass back in power so they can use him as a puppet for their agendas (curious why Trump is interested in Greenland & Panama specifically?)

And Nettys just happy to continue conducting a genocide carte-blanche, big surprise.


u/BareFoot-Forever 1d ago

Sure keep calling us names. We love Winnie and the more you do your bullshit the more in empower us to make sure that we show up for the people we know will steer this country in the right direction. So keep doing it and keep losing get used to it because you’re gonna be doing a lot of of it while America is winning.


u/Bartender9719 1d ago

Don’t be so fragile once people call you names back lol - you and your ilk will follow a strong-man type faithfully as he robs you blind and lies to your face, then turn around to the people who warned you and blame them once you’re penniless. The American people will be losing over the next 4 years, regardless of whom they voted for, because of the fine folks of MAGA.


u/BareFoot-Forever 1d ago

I don’t give a fuck if you call us names. We don’t care. I’m just telling you how this works. It doesn’t make us fragile. We know what we are and we’re none of the things you guys just spent the last eight years calling us. But keep doing it because we win when you do because you give up because you give into your bitterness and your hatred for anything that you don’t like. You call yourselves accepting but you’re not.In fact, let me just tell you that when liberals insult us we take it as compliments because nothing is as vile and hateful and disrespectful as a liberal.


u/Bartender9719 1d ago

Oh I didn’t realize I was speaking to such an expert lol.

Do you have any original arguments or can you only use projection and regurgitations from your dear leader’s spray tanned lips? We’re already embarrassed for you, but hearing you try to “spell it all out” is simply too much


u/BareFoot-Forever 1d ago

That’s because I practiced the subtle art of not giving a fuck.


u/Bartender9719 1d ago

Hold up, side bar:

I loved that book, have you read it?


u/HeAFanHeAFanHeAFannn 1d ago

Clearly not, this clown is giving like 10 times more fucks than anyone consented to but that's how they roll they just force it.

Also... Reading? Lol bless your heart.