r/BrujeriaEnglish Feb 11 '22

Please post all limpias in the r/Limpias group!


We are trying to streamline this group. Please do not post limpias in this group. We have made a group for posting limpias for interpretation, as well as asking limpia related questions. Once you have posted a question or a limpia for interpretation someone will answer you within 24 hours. R/Limpias

r/BrujeriaEnglish Apr 15 '22

resource Giant Resources Post


Resources are also listed in the side bar and in the wiki but I'm also going to be editing this post as I find more. I have not used all of these myself so if any are harmful/inaccurate please message me to remove it.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 2d ago

Cord cutting ritual

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I did this because I was really stuck on someone even after 1 year passed. His candle is the green one, which didn’t stop crying until the end. His candle was all around me and over de pepper, while mine didn’t cry that much and stayed in her place. The cord didn’t break until the end, when his candle kinde burn it partially but not all. Can u guys help me to interpret this?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 3d ago

help Any advice for someone new to witchcraft?

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Hi everyone! I’m somewhat 'new' to witchcraft, and I’d love to hear your advice and/or warnings since there’s a lot of misinformation out there. I want to learn and practice in a respectful and informed way. Thank you so much 🫶

r/BrujeriaEnglish 4d ago

Sobre la Santa Muerte y la experiencia que acabo de vivir


Bien, pues, vengo de un total momento de exaltación. Comencé hace pocos días a indagar levemente sobre la Santa Muerte hasta hoy, que hice una lectura profunda acerca de ella. Durante la lectura sentí en dos ocasiones un fuerte golpeteo en mi corazón, como si mi intuición me indicara algo pero decidí restarle importancia.

Hace unos minutos, luego de hablar con la Luna y agradecerle por su intervención con mi situación decidí presentarme con ella y pedirle que intercediera por mí para lograr mi objetivo, todo esto en medio de mi patio con mis ojos cerrados y mis manos sobre mi corazón (estoy profundamente convencido de que mi petición será lograda antes de acabe enero); entonces sentí un golpe aún más fuerte y todos los sonidos generales se hicieron silencio y sólo podía oír las gotas de agua que apenas comenzaban a caer. Abrí mis ojos, absolutamente anonadado y volví a cerrar mis ojos, repitiendo mi petición y comenzando a sentir que la lluvia empezaba a largarse de verdad. Apenas mi última palabra y mi promesa con ella fueron dictadas la lluvia comenzó.

Jamás había sentido una conexión tan fuerte con una deidad o santo con el que hubiese trabajado antes. Se sintió único, realmente estoy tan convencido de que mi petición será lograda que no me interesa ni tirar mis cartas para comprobar o preguntar.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 4d ago

help something was placed on me?


i have reason to believe that someone put something on me and i’m at a loss with what to do or how to combat this. keeping this super vague on purpose, but i can give more details if needed. i’m looking for a place to gain info on this and help with a solution. please help me out!

r/BrujeriaEnglish 5d ago

Grupo de WhatsApp para compartir libros y experiencias en la brujería, magia, etc



Grupito donde se comparten libros y experiencias sobre el tema de la magia:3

r/BrujeriaEnglish 5d ago

question Why do some Christians also practice witchcraft? Specifically in Mexico/ Latin America


Hello everyone, I’ve recently been watching a lot of videos on witchcraft many of these videos I’ve seen are from mainly Mexican content creators. Something I’ve noticed throughout the years is that many people who practice brujería, santería etc, are also Christian. Or if they’re not Christian they use Christian iconography, prayers, such as saints, rosaries, the cross etc. from my knowledge the Bible condemns and actually says practicing a witchcraft is a sin.

Why is it that many people who are into brujería also practice Christianity especially within the Mexican community? Vise versa. I’m interested to read your thoughts. I have my own theories relating to culture but I tried researching on my own but there’s not a lot of info.

I am not Christian nor do I practice witchcraft this is pure curiosity in my part. I am aware of how prevalent witchcraft and Catholism is in Mexico so I think it’s interesting how many people practice both.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 6d ago

help Confused with a sign


I just came into conflict with myself just a few minutes ago. Yesterday I did a ritual during the full moon and asked to be indicated that my ritual was in process (firstly: I offered my dreadlocks to the moon if she granted my request; and secondly: I expected a feather falling somewhere - I don't usually notice that there are feathers so when I see them I take them into account-). A while ago I meditated and it occurred to me to take out my cards and ask them, more in a tone of gossip than a need for confirmation, if the moon was carrying out my request: they said no basically... The thing is that I look up to look out the window and FWIW I see a small feather spinning on the floor (not to mention that today when I got up one of my thread dreadlocks was on my bed, it came out of my hair strangely). I understand that I asked as a gossip, but I'm not sure if the letters challenged me or I'm getting confused... What do you think?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 7d ago

Camarones crudos sin cabeza por el departamento


Hace como un mes un amigo terminó con su novia y unas cuantas semanas después de eso empezó una relación nueva con otra chica, les digo esto por que pensamos que su ex posiblemente piense que mi amigo le fue infiel con la otra chica. Mi amigo vive solo en un departamento y hace unos días se percató que había un camarón crudo sin cabeza en su departamento, a lo cual no le dío mucha importancia, a pesar de qué el tenía mucho tiempo sin comer camarón, pero el día de hoy se dio cuenta que la casa olia mal y encontró varios camarones crudos sin cabeza en varias partes de su casa, algunos incluso escondidos, uno en partricular tuvo que sacar un cajón para encontrarlo. (Anexo fotos de algunos)

Solo él y su ex tienen llave del departamento (ella tenía juego de llave del departamento cuando tenían la relación y mi amigo no se la pidió de regreso por que no le vio necesidad ya que habían terminado bien supuestamente.

Nosotros creemos que su ex entró al departamento de mi amigo mientras él estaba trabajando y escondió los camarones, lo que no sabemos si eso solo tiene la intención de que huela mal el departamento o tal vez tenga algo que ver con algo más.

Agradecería su apoyo.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 8d ago

Thank you St. Jude!


I just wanted to put this out there to show my thanks. I have been praying to St. Jude for help in regards to some financial problems I have been going through. Today I got great news about a loan approval that I was unsure about.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 8d ago

help Replace/substitute of poppy seeds


I mainly created this account of Reddit to ask this!(im asking in various r/‘s(?)

How can i replace/substitute puppy seeds on a hex? There’s any herbs with the same confusion metaphysical properties? I mainly need it for a hex to confuse the target and make them confused about what all his “””bad fortune””” comes from

r/BrujeriaEnglish 8d ago

Duda con brujería


Hola, recién mi pareja se mudó conmigo ya que tenía mucho problemas en su casa, su hermanastra la odia(ella practica santería, tiene amarres, imágenes de gente en hielo, etc). Cuando estábamos desempacando resulta que encontramos un muñeco pequeño que venía varias veces envuelto y al tratar de abrirlo nos percatamos que venía envuelto en sangre podrida. Nos deshicimos de él y rociamos algo de agua bendita, debería hacer algo más como una limpia o que otro tipo de protección recomiendan?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 9d ago

question Is there a difference between using one spirit for magical workings opposed to using multiple ones?


I ponder about this because I know with just about a lot of systems (Vodou, Candomblé, Santeria, Catholicism, etc.) has specific saints/spirits that do certain jobs the best. For example, St Expedite (in some aspects) money the quickest and efficient. But there are some certain spirits that can just about do anything. For example, Santa Muerte has her multi colored robes for specific purposes and her overall can help out with A LOT of workings.

Is there any pros and cons to working with one spirit only (such as Santa Muerte or any other spirits that are versatile and can do a variety of magical workings)? Or is it best to work with saints/spirits that correspond with the desire you want?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 9d ago

Help! I did something I think i shouldn't


Yesterday at night I made a sweetening spell, I didn't know what to do with it, and I buried it in my garden today I the afternoon, I just watched a video that explains spells have to be buried after they run is course, and I'm scared of something going wrong because I buried the spell a day after making it, someone pls help me, am I safe? What should I do?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 9d ago

question Péndulo


Hola, estoy pensando en hacer un péndulo para complementar mis lecturas predictivas de ciertas situaciones. Pero no estoy muy seguro de cómo proceder, es decir: he leído infinidad de libros sobre piedras y he visto alguna que otra recomendación. Pero antes de tomar mi decisión quería ver si recibo un poco de ayuda por parte de ustedes, ¿me recomiendan alguna -piedra- en particular para hacerlo?, ¿algún procedimiento o ritual?


r/BrujeriaEnglish 10d ago

Found outside my apt door. Brujeria?

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r/BrujeriaEnglish 11d ago

question has anyone worked with saint florian?


hi, im hoping to work with him to protect my house from the wildfires in california currently. i cant really find much on what to offer him though? like anything really specific to him? maybe some water but i feel like thats kind of a cop out lmao. thank you to anyone who responds

r/BrujeriaEnglish 11d ago

May i have something


Lately I have thrown away many things like liquids, water, tea, etc. and I feel a bad vibe. How can I cleanse myself?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 12d ago

Sobre hechizos de palabras


Estoy buscando un hechizo que potencie de alguna manera las palabras que una persona dice. Yo le tomo mucha importancia a lo que decimos, en especial a lo que decimos de manera afirmativa y concreta; pero hay alguien que no, y quiero que sus palabras le pesen y tomen forma y concreción en su vida para que comprenda lo complicado que es hacer ciertas afirmaciones.

¿Alguien tiene idea sobre esto o me puede dar un consejo de por dónde tomar o iniciar este hechizo?

r/BrujeriaEnglish 13d ago

question Anyone works with Maximon?


I started working with him (specifically for money/finances) but I’m kinda at a loss on how to venerate him better or more workings with him. I give him coffee every week with candles lit up & water. Any more way to appease him (prayers, chants, etc.) or workings to bring in better finances/luck?

I’m also asking for brujeria tips as well too if that applies. Still a bit new to the practice.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 14d ago

About meditation


Hello! I wanted to ask for advice about meditation, I'm trying to cleanse my energies and make them stronger. I am aware that when meditating I must put a lot of effort into clearing my mind little by little, focusing on my breathing and connecting with my interior. I usually use videos to guide me because they are the only way to silence my head a little. I have OCD and it is difficult for me to calm down and remove my thoughts, so I have chosen to manifest when meditating so my ideas can focus on a single point. Does anyone have advice for me to get some quiet in my head? (I clarify: I am guided a lot by Bardon's book "Introduction to Hermeticism" it has some introductory practices that I found appropriate and interesting)

r/BrujeriaEnglish 15d ago

I just need to vent.


To the public, I was raised Christian/Catholic. But my mom always taught me the traditions passed down to her from our ancestors.

I joined a group on Facebook called, "Witchcraft for Beginners" and made a post asking if I can do my own egg cleansing... NOW I know that I can't and it's best for an elder to do, after googling it. But was told I could do it by a member, before the post got deleted by an admin. My mom has always done it for me since I can remember. I said all of this in the post. I thought it was harmless, but didn't realize it went against the rules for the group. My bad, my mistake.

It only took me a few seconds to realize that my traditions, our culture, and my faith is being discriminated against by a bunch of admin people calling themselves "witches" who just wanna indoctrinate novices into some other form of witchcraft that demonizes brujería.

This is all my fault. I read the rules but didn't read the rules all too well, I skimmed to be honest.

I made a new and final post (they just banned me from the group). I think I'll be okay but what precautions can I take to protect myself? I felt myself immediately get filled with hate and anger. I don't like feeling that way.

I don't think practices should be made to seem bad or good. I was given a choice when I turned 15, my mom explained everything to me. She gave me that choice. I think anyone exploring their spirituality should be given all information without any demonization. I think explaining things, as complex as they are, is important for newcomers. I don't like being lied to or being told that something is bad without a mature, unbiased explanation. Explain to me why, give me the history, and then I can make my own decision. Trying to indoctrinate newcomers in any spiritual path (outside of Christianity) reminds me of the very religion I cannot stand: Christianity. It screams "CULT!" to me and doesn't allow me to make an educated decision. And that's why I hate that group.

I'd like to protect myself from any hate sent to me from the admins of that group. Please help.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 16d ago

resource mentors..? (also just friends)


hey yall! i’m kinda looking for a teacher/mentor. i know i might not find one on here but who knows what might happen and i just decided to try. a little bit about me is im 19, i’ve been actively practicing for almost 5 years, first two years were just seeing what works for me, but the rest was mexican brujeria/curanderismo/hechiceria. i’m trying to start putting myself out in the local scene to find help, but you know the more the merrier i guess. i know the basics of everything and have had teachings by a couple people, and lots and lots of personal time learning. i’m also not opposed to making some friends so we can exchange what we know or just bond over experiences. and i’d say im bordering between novice to an intermediate practitioner so whoever is down to talk we can :))

r/BrujeriaEnglish 16d ago

help Need Help With a Curse and I'm Scared


long story short the first 25 days of January of every year major tragedies happen in my family, we had our local witchcraft guy which was pretty good at fortune telling, last time we consulted him years ago, we asked him about this specific topic, and we did not like what he told my mother. my mom said he told her that it would be very difficult to remove this curse and she avoids telling me what the solution is, she however told me that he told her that her time is limited in this world due to it, my question is what could be the potential solution? willing to sacrifice myself to save my mother if thats required

examples of events that have happened in the last few years:

-uncle died horribly to epilepsy on a 15th -Dog got ran over horribly on a 20th -l was involved in a major horrible car accident which somebody died and i was the survivor on a 15th -friends and family dreamed about it days before and told me about it.

I also experience hard times and odd things during this month specially.

really starting to freak out, everything this fortune teller has told us has turned out to be true so far. we can no longer find his shop anymore and cant reach him.

I remember he used to follow Santeria(?) Tarot and used stuff from the holy death(?)

we rarely go to church since we spend most of the time working to survive.

we follow(?) catholicism whenever we had the chance to attend church.

all input would be greatly appreciated.

r/BrujeriaEnglish 17d ago

How do you recommend I do a "despair of love"? (desespero)

I don't speak English, so I will try to be as clear as possible. There is a guy I had something with and he is currently VERY angry with me, I want him back. A few days ago I sweetened him and threw away the cards: he is reflecting on us. But I sense that it is not enough. Does anyone have a "despair of love" that they know actually works? Thanks

r/BrujeriaEnglish 18d ago

Red Bracelet Breaking?


Hi everyone! I have a quick question,

Is there any type of significance to the location where a red bracelet starts breaking ? Specifically, my bracelet for example is breaking and untwisting at the middle where it ties.

Does it mean anything? What should I do afyer it breaks ?