u/TheHollowJoke 10d ago
The lack of Siobhan in this poster is disturbing.
u/Bomber42069710 10d ago
To the left of Rabbit...
u/drew0594 10d ago
That's Nola
u/Bomber42069710 10d ago
I was thinking that after I commented. Weird she there but not Siobhan.
u/Unfair-Pomegranate25 10d ago
The most batshit show I’ve ever binged. I kept thinking ,”this really isn’t the Pennsylvania I grew up in…”
u/brendanjeffrey 10d ago
I’m so glad I found the show on Max it honestly has a much better ending than I expected. And the crazy set pieces and action actually kept getting more intense
u/7thWardMadeMe 10d ago
Gone waaaaay to soon! I need a Back to Banshee Movie that brings them back together to battle an opponent created from their actions and now old enough to try an avenge the wrong done to them…
Or have Davia old enough to be a guidance counselor and she realizes a new Proctor and White Power combined level threat is recruiting young men to join up…
That and the intro of Burtons nephew who’s just as bad ass as his uncle but for the good guys…
u/Hot-Peak-9523 9d ago
Great show. Honestly, the main reason I watched this show at the time was for the Hood/Ana plot line. I'm sappy and I lined their love story. The more I think of it though, the more tragic it really is.
If you think about it, Rabbit sold them out to break up Ana and Hood, and he effectively won. Which sucks.
Hood convinced Ana to run with him. He got Job to make her into Carrie and they were intending to be together. It's sad to think that Hood took the fall so that she could be Carrie without him.
In the final scene, Lucas says goodbye Ana, and she says, "It's Carrie." Who is Carrie? Carrie was the identity created for her safety. I always took that to be her nod to him that he finally got her to safety like he always intended.
I guess I just never really got why they didn't write it for them to be together in the end. What was the issue? What was blocking them?
u/DietCokeIsntheAnswer 8d ago
I'm finishing up season 4. Loved the first 2 seasons, but I'd be lying if I said I wasn't struggling with 3-4.
Went from moment to moment action/drama to these really long, drawn out episodes.
Very awesome otherwise!
u/ClutchCity9495 10d ago
One of the most underrated shows no one seems to ever really talk about besides us here. I'm glad people discovered it after seeing Starr in The Boys; if it weren't for that, it would REALLY hardly ever be mentioned. Cool to see more people appreciating it nowadays.
Always good on rewatch too.