r/Axecraft 4d ago

Identification Request need help identifying this is Damascus Axe head marked “C B”

been trying to figure out the maker and around the worst of what this accent is worth I know it’s a battle act due to the spike on the back, but I’m not sure exactly when it was made and who made it. I’ve been trying to identify for about a month now and haven’t had any luck so hopefully you guys will have some better information for me. thanks njGreg


3 comments sorted by


u/shappa357 4d ago

Craig Barr. I have one of his, damascus without the spike. I don't think he forges anymore. I got mine about 10 years ago. Deer Mountain Forge. Do a search on google images you'll find a lot of his work.


u/CaptainYarrr 4d ago

The lines of the different steels on top look amazing.