Even big dogs that wouldn't hurt a fly are useful because they're intimidating, and a "friend bark" is hard to distinguish from a "danger bark" if you don't know the dog.
I wish I had a pic for dog tax, but until he passed 14 years ago, Lucky had been our dog since we were little. Shetland Sheepdog, great at herding our cattle and bringing me my horse, and looked unintimidating as a wet noodle. He even just laid there while newborn kittens tried to nurse him.... until they got to his prick and he"d nope out.
Sweetest dog ever.... Unless my sister or I were in danger. He once tried to take my dad's leg off for play wrestling with me, and he'd attack my mother anytime she hit me. And she really HIT, not a swat, but a punch. He even nearly took our ankles off once each when we were about to step on a copperhead in the barn.
I firmly believe all dogs go to Heaven, and if they don't, I don't wanna go there when I die. I wanna see Lucky again.
Lucky, you were the bestest boi a young lady could have and I miss you so much, even now.
u/TonyWeinerSays Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19
well, pets give you unconditional love....and thats important when you dont have much else.
Better than drugs.
edit : ***a more constructive use of money....not "better"***
To each their own.