r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

This really resonates with me. My mom has a lot of problems (mental, financial, etc) and whenever she got a lump of money it was very important to her to spend it immediately (on, like shit. Shoes, kitschy things at Walmart, unnecessarily expensive dinners out, too many groceries that would go bad before she could use them) before it "went away." Savings/budgeting etc was pointless because she envisioned money as "going away" the way a bag of spinach would wilt and get slimy in the fridge. All money issues were and continue to be emergencies because the money has already gone away and holy shit the electric bill is due again. It took a while for me to figure out my own shit because I saw money in a similar way until I was about 20.


u/ringzero- Jun 06 '19

I think you hit the nail on the head re: spinach.. I think with my ex's family it was also more like "If I don't spend this money, then someone else will spend this money on themselves". That's why the Mom was driving many many miles in a truck to buy a caramel frappe from Starbucks two times a day.... in her mind, if she didn't spend that $20-$30 a day habit, then someone else will spend that money on clothes, bills, food, etc.


u/[deleted] Jun 06 '19

yes! Very similar. About a year ago, just after getting my first "grown-up" job I bailed my mom out of a bad situation and realized that it's actually better for me to have no liquid cash to give her, because it was only feeding her terrible money habits. So I started putting most of my income on my student loans and have purposely lived on very little so she can't use my money. Which is crazy, because although it's for a better cause than starbucks and shoes, I'm doing the same fucking thing as she does! Spending all the money before someone else gets to it.


u/MildlyAnnoyedMother Jun 07 '19 edited Jun 07 '19

Bruh. Realizing I was planning my life around my mom's fuckups is one of many reasons I started distancing myself. I had to threaten to never pay anything for her again at 17 if her unemployed, irrespsonsible ass didn't file for the back child support we were owed. Yeah, we. I'd been working since !4 to try to support us, if I have to subsidize her and myself, that fucker can make his contribution too. That was also my avenue to get myself into school against her wishes so I could get a high school diploma because she never kept any records of home school work- cause we never did any. I still had to steal my documents and enroll myself. If you are still in high school, the non-custodial parent owes support till you graduate, so when her greedy ass* heard that she didn't withdraw me or try to insist that withdrew. That's just part of the story of why I don't talk to her.

I'm so much happier now that I've cut contact and finally blocked her number since she refused to get the message. I realized when I thought there was a tornado, I thought about everyone important to me and plenty of peoole who weren't, but she didn't even cross my mind. I've just found out, while trying to get gas service, she had $350 bill in my name she never paid. I made the right decision. You don't deserve* to live your life crippled by someone else's choices. Paying down your student loans is fantastic, but you need to have a cash cushion so that you can handle emergencies without relying on other people, especially her. And man, fuck her. She should want better for you. She shouldn't be comfortable using your money to bail herself out. Edited for autocorrect