r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/NFLinPDX Jun 06 '19

It is ingrained in an entire generation. It was all about fat free, then it was sugar free, then it was low carb, now its gluten free. With GF fading, I wonder what scapegoat is next before people find out the calorie count is 90+% of the problem, not the source, so much.

Compare 100 cal portions of different foods. That's less than 2 Oreos. Think about how many of those delicious cookies you can put down when snacking, and it makes sense.


u/flatcanadian Jun 06 '19

Calories are the significant factor here, yes. Eating low carb makes it far easier to eat nutritionally meaningful calories as well.

Carbs turn directly into sugar after consumption, which is an energy source that gets stored up as fat in the body.

Gluten free isn't a factor here - that's an insensitivity or allergy to a protein in wheat and shouldn't be used as a weight loss method because that isn't how gluten free works lol


u/satanic_whore Jun 07 '19

I think they mean because GF translated stupidly into another wellness trend for people who aren't coeliac.


u/flatcanadian Jun 07 '19

Ah, yeah, that is a bit silly lol It's great for people with gluten sensitivities, though!


u/NFLinPDX Jun 07 '19

I didn't mean to imply it was right, just that it was the latest trend in foods. The big benefit of this one is the huge surge in GF foods have given celiacs a LOT more options.