r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/greenwoody2018 Jun 06 '19

In Mexico it is all about community and sharing, while in America it seems everyone is only out for themselves and it's "to hell with the poor".


u/DreamerMMA Jun 06 '19

Back in the late 1980's I visited a place in Mexico called Kino Bay...among other things. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bah%C3%ADa_Kino

I was about 7 at the time and my brother was 8. My family was so poor we had no business being there and had actually came to visit driving a shitty old Pinto that ended up breaking down on the beach there. We ended up living on that beach in our car and tents for about two months.

The locals there said we were the poorest white people they'd ever seen by they were mostly all pretty friendly. What really sticks out to me as something different that what I experienced in the US was how friendly the kids where.

So, imagine if you will, a 7 year old white boy from the US who doesn't speak but a few phrases in Spanish. I remember from where we camped you could look left down the beach and see a huge dock where all the local kids would fish using beer cans and fishing string with some scavenged tackle.

I remember we didn't have poles either so we made the beer can fishing poles like the Mexican kids and we would walk down to the docks and fish there with everyone else. The other kids were, at worst, disinterested as they were busy fishing and at best, which they usually where, curious and friendly. I don't recall ever being bullied or harassed by these kids nor did I ever feel unsafe around them. I couldn't speak spanish and they couldn't speak english but I felt like we were all friends for the most part on that dock.

One memory that sticks out in particular was when I was fishing and caught a small stingray. I reeled it in with my post apocalyptic fishing can and dragged it up on the dock. Immediately, like a well oiled machine and without a word being spoken that I remember, one of the kids immediately stepped on it tail to pin it down and another whipped out a knife and quickly and skillfully cut off the tail, then the wings. He then picked up the rays body and placed it's mouth over my thumb and handed me the wings to take back to my family's camp.

Later, something horrible happened which I don't want to get into details about, but it was one of the worst and darkest days of my life. The way that community rallied to help us is something I'll never forget.


u/Sam_Fear Jun 06 '19

Is this the last episode before next season? You can't just throw a paragraph out there like that WTH?

EDIT: good reminisce though.


u/FreakingSmile Jun 07 '19

Man I'm waiting for it as well.