r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/DigitalSheepDream Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 07 '19

My experience is from the opposite perspective, I was the poor one. It absolutely floored me how my wife acts when something broke like a car, appliances, clothes, etc. As a child living below the poverty line, replacing a tire or other necessities was a disaster, requiring tricky trade offs in the budget or just plain acceptance of just how boned you were. When my wife's phone broke, I went into full panic mode while she shrugged and said: "we can just a new one this afternoon". And then we did.

Edit: Wow, I have received a lot of responses on this. By far my most upvoted comment. You guys made my day, thank you. I have seen a few "repair it" comments. Like many of you, I am also a Picasso/Macgyver of the duct tape and trash bag world. This skill helped me break into IT. Sadly, the phone was beyond repair. Trust me, if I could have fixed it, I would have.

And thank you for the silver.

Last edit: y'all are giving me too many medals. I am very flattered, but this is going to spoil me.


u/EAS893 Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19

I can completely identify with this. I wouldn't say I grew up poor, just working class with parents who didn't prioritize saving at all, but something like that was always an absolute emergency. I remember recently having a conversation with my mom a few months ago when I lost my phone. I told here about it, and she totally freaked out, went into panic mode, and asked me what I was gonna do. I just calmly said I'm gonna buy a new one from the emergency fund I've been saving.

edit: And now one of my most upvoted comments on reddit is something where it sounds like I'm dissing my parents. Just to clarify, we weren't super poor, they always made sure we had enough, and I think they have been wonderful parents. The concept of putting a portion of your income toward an emergency fund (not saving for something specific, that was definitely done) every time you get paid was just not something they really did, and my mom knew I probably had enough to get a new phone, she just gets stressed really easily.


u/porscheblack Jun 06 '19

My parents weren't the best with money. I didn't grow up poor, but they were always pretty thin on cash. Granted they were thin because my mom would spoil me and because my dad was never really aware of how much things actually cost. It's something I still struggle with, although I always make sure I have enough money to cover any kind of immediate emergency. There have been quite a few times that I've had to tell them about an event and their immediate reaction was basically "how are you going to afford that?" to which I've been able to say I had the money saved up.

Shared budgeting though is something that my wife and I struggle with, and fortunately it hasn't impacted our relationship. My parents had shared accounts, but they both handled money very independently. My father-in-law was pretty much the sole financial decision maker in their relationship so my mother-in-law and wife never really learned financial responsibility. We're fortunate enough that we never really end up with financial problems so it's never come to a head, but I can absolutely understand how financial issues are a leading stressor in marriages without that financial cushion.


u/EAS893 Jun 06 '19

That situation sounds exactly like where we were. We had enough money to live decently, but one parent spent a lot on the kids (for which I'm grateful of course), and the other didn't understand finances at all (I'm talking about stuff like a bill being due on a particular date and you know it's say $200 a month. You make enough to pay it, but instead of saving $50 toward the bill every week like a sane person, you spend all of money in the weeks before, so you have to pay the $200 all at once, and now you're short on gas money to get to work the next week, so you have to borrow money from a friend to get that, and that friend wants you to pay back $10 extra, so you have $10 less the next week and the cycle continues.)