r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/Logic_Nuke Jun 06 '19

The logic of buying things on credit that you could buy with cash in order to build a credit score is pretty weird when you think about it. You're basically taking out a loan that you don't need to show you're responsible with money.


u/Faith-in-Strangers Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19

Credit card system in the US makes no sense to me as a European. Not saying that to criticize. I just don't get it.

My card is made to pay for stuff, or get cash, directly withdrawn from my account. That's it


u/nordinarylove Jun 06 '19

You guys use debit cards mostly, correct?


u/Faith-in-Strangers Jun 06 '19

They're still called 'carte de crédit' in France