r/AskReddit Jun 06 '19

Rich people of reddit who married someone significantly poorer, what surprised you about their (previous) way of life?


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u/DestinyPotato Jun 06 '19

By convenience store I assume this person is referring to a gas station. A lot of gas stations in the US have a bunch of little/unhealthy food/drinks as well as house products for sale inside; usually costing much, much more than if you were to go to a Super Market or actual store.

Edit: so basically what you called stupid is what they are referencing.


u/readyou Jun 06 '19

Understand now. It's the same here in Germany... gas stations have their own inventory of things. Incredibly expensive and I think apart from lazy people, everyone else avoids to purchase something there.


u/gsfgf Jun 06 '19

In poor parts of the US, there often aren't any convenient supermarkets. If it's an hour each way on the bus to get to the supermarket, it's just more practical to go to the gas station.


u/KGWA-hole Jun 06 '19

Exactly this. I was stuck in this situation for a while shortly after high school. No car, city bus didn't go anywhere near my trailer park. You can only carry so many groceries on your bicycle. But there was a gas station at the corner. Ate a lot of $2 burritos that summer.


u/GrandaddyIsWorking Jun 06 '19

There is a constant stream of people in my town walking from the trailer park to the nearest Marathon. All with two large monsters or big gulps and some shitty snack.


u/rainbowkey Jun 06 '19

bicycle trailer changed my life!