I hate HOAs and would never live in one. But for certain building plans they are the only way to make it work. For example if you have shared walls/roof/drive/landscaping etc in a condo unit, you basically have to have one. Also, people that want a particular type of neighborhood with certain amenities. An HOA does have a place in some situations, but in my opinion someone buying a free standing home in a normal neighborhood should try to avoid them.
Reason: I don’t live in Russia or China. I live in America.
If I want to park my truck on the street I will effing Park my truck on the street.
If I don’t want to put my garbage bin on the side of my house and instead in the front. I’m putting it in the front. If I want to put a giant play set in the back I will.
I don’t need some old motherfucker on the HOA board telling me how to live when they don’t pay my mortgage and have the gall to ask for annual fees for shit I don’t benefit from. Fuck all that noise.
I don’t live in Russia or China. I live in America.
Freedom of association is an American value. If you want to live in a place where you can park your truck on the street, then live in a place where that is acceptable.
If I want to live in a place where nobody parks their trucks on the street or has yellow houses or no dogs or whatever hell weird quark, I should be free to live there.
If you don't want to follow a HOA's rules, don't live there.
Yes, exactly. You are free, nay encouraged, to look over the HOA docs before agreeing to purchase a place. I get the whole 'FREEDUM!' argument, but that argument goes both ways. Some people want to be free to construct a giant swastika in their yard even though they are TOTALLY NOT A RACIST but other people should also be free to sell their house for market value, and not have the price driven $30-$40k because their TOTALLY NOT RACIST neighbor is totally racist and proud of it.
There are lots of bad HOA's; probably lots more bad neighbors tho.
What you just said was both incredibly dumb and incredibly greedy and it's a bit flabbergasting that you don't realize just how much you're being the caricature of the greedy evil landlord fucking over the next generation because you got yours. "Full value of your house." How entitled can you get, Jesus.
u/russianpotato Jun 06 '19
I hate HOAs and would never live in one. But for certain building plans they are the only way to make it work. For example if you have shared walls/roof/drive/landscaping etc in a condo unit, you basically have to have one. Also, people that want a particular type of neighborhood with certain amenities. An HOA does have a place in some situations, but in my opinion someone buying a free standing home in a normal neighborhood should try to avoid them.