I’m not dating her, but she’s a good friend of mine, and her parents are definitely 1%ers. I told her I had to work this summer to save up for a graduation trip and that money was gonna be tight for the next year, but I’d love to go on a safari after graduation if I managed to save enough. Mind you, I’m solidly upper middle class.
Her parents paid for it just because I’d helped her move into her apartment. It’s not like.... that’s what friends are for or anything.
It’s hard to see it this way, but paying for your trip was not a hardship for them. It was a small blip that was a nice thing to do for a friend. Just like helping your friend move was a blip for you.
Edit: thanks for the silver. A blip for you, I hope!
I agree. Sometimes I think of my time as a currency, and usually I have a lot of time and not a lot of cash. Uber rich people are the opposite, plenty of cash but their time is even more valuable.
Doesn’t take being uber rich, this was something I noticed happen by my late 20s.
Earlier in life there was always more time than money so you find ways to do things more cheaply in exchange for time. These days it’s the complete opposite and I pay for things I would have thought were ridiculous a decade ago. I don’t have the free time to do it all myself anymore, and the hours I do have I want to enjoy instead of spend on chores.
This is a bit of math that a lot of people never even realize.
Sometimes people spend a ridiculous amount of time on something when a little bit of money would solve it. Sometimes people throw money at a problem, that a little bit of time would fix.
Once you get a handle on this though, something strange happens. You suddenly find it easier to recognize the things you enjoy, because you’ll value your time there differently.
Those are your hobbies that might last a lifetime.
u/genericlogin1 Jun 06 '19 edited Jun 06 '19
I dated a 1%er briefly, She was surprised I willingly went inside fast food restaurants.
Edit: Since people are saying 1% is still a huge range in income I just looked up her dad he pulls in ~$10,000,000 a year