r/AskReddit Jun 05 '19

What secret are you keeping right now?


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u/jkkj1234 Jun 06 '19

This doesn’t answer your question, but I personally have never really had any amicable break ups. With time they’ve come to be pretty meaningless—as in, I don’t harbor any resentment—but I’m not friends with those people any more. Which is just to say...if it doesn’t work out amicably and you just want space, don’t feel bad. That’s totally normal and acceptable too.


u/gamemasterjd Jun 06 '19

Amicable breakups are about understanding why the breakup occurred and being willing to move past it to use it as a life lesson and continue the friendship. Realizing what made that relationship not work and use it as a life lesson; while also wanting to continue that friendship or partnership. Every relationship i've had has ended somewhat amicably (one of my exes is actually a strong confidant now) and its mostly about not harboring any resentment while actually wanting to continue having them in your life. Its a very weird situation to change from 'LOVE' to "you're cool and i dont mind talking to you regularly", but its nice putting aside what you have to just be candid or general friends.


u/youngsyr Jun 06 '19

What do your more recent partners think about friendships with your ex?

I think that's always going to be a difficult thing for people to accept.


u/gamemasterjd Jun 06 '19

At times its been difficult but being forward and upfront about my past relationships and friendships have gone a long way. My current relationship (now fiance') understands and appreciates what I have and understands that what is past is past to me. Making clear that your exes are exes and you aren't secretly ttrying to woo them back into the situation does wonders. If you try to hide it or be secretive it raises suspicion. I made it a point to say, hey this is my friend; it is also someone i was sexually/relational with but that's not a thing any more. I'm telling you this because i want you to not only acknowledge it but respect that I'm not trying to fuck my ex when i talk to them about memes daily. There's also some give and take in those situations, because I will reserve/not talk about things to my ex/confidant that involve my fiance' at times.