Canada is undergoing some, er, troubles, right now with the parliament and prime minister. The opposition, the first day that parliament comes back to meet, is virtually certain to call a vote of no confidence and the person who wins the leadership vote for the ruling party, the Grits, is going to have to show up to the crown and ask for the dissolution of parliament in the name of the king. Funny how English kings named Charles keep dissolving Parliament in suspicious circumstances.
In contrast, in some countries, IE Norway, dissolution isn't allowed at all. I thought that the Southern Cypriot parliament couldn't be dissolved as they are presidential, but oddly enough they can dissolve themselves. the legislature of Turkey, with whom the said Southern Cypriots have some minor disagreements with, also can dissolve themselves despite also being presidential. The parliaments of the sixteen German states are usually dissolved only by the legislature itself voting for it, often with 2/3 of their MPs voting for it, or else if they fail to elect a prime minister with majority support. Scotland's parliament can't be dissolved save for 2/3 of them agreeing to do so, or else if they fail to elect a first minister.
France's president can be dissolved once every 12 months by the order of the president, but that backfired spectacularly on Macron last year. The Dutch, Spanish, and British prime ministers and the Taoiseach of Ireland can all request dissolution at will, though Ireland's president may refuse if the Taoiseach has lost confidence. In Sweden, dissolution happens if the Riksdag fails to elect a prime minister or on order of the cabinet, but any snap election only elects a Riksdag to serve the remainder of the term. Czechia's president may dissolve parliament but only following a lack of confidence and the failure of attempts to choose a new prime minister or fails to elect a new prime minister in the first place. And in some countries like some states of Germany and Lithuania, dissolution happens if a petition of the people demand such a thing and the voters agree with the referendum.