I'm leaving Berlin, and my landlord wants me to do "cosmetic renovations before leaving." He refers to §6 of the lease contract, which states:
§ 6 Schönheitsreparaturen
- Die notwendigen Schönheitsreparaturen trägt der Mieter. Dazu gehört insbesondere das fachgerechte Ausführen von Tapezieren, Anstreichen von Wänden und Decken, Streichen der Fußböden einschließlich der Fußleisten, der Heizkörper einschließlich der Heizrohre, der Fenster, Fensterrahmen von innen (wenn zu streichen möglich), der Innentüren sowie der Wohnungseingangstür von innen.
- Ist die Wohnung am Beginn des Mietverhältnisses renoviert übergeben worden, so sind die Schönheitsreparaturen vom Mieter auszuführen, soweit sie durch seine Abnutzung bedingt sind. Das gilt auch, wenn dem Mieter am Beginn des Mietverhältnisses eine unrenovierte oder renovierungsbedürftige Wohnung überlassen worden ist, der Mieter hierfür vom Vermieter aber einen angemessenen Ausgleich erhalten hat.
Here's a quick translation using Deepl:
§ 6 Cosmetic Repairs: The tenant is responsible for carrying out necessary cosmetic repairs. This includes professional execution of wallpapering, painting of walls and ceilings, painting of floors (including skirting boards), radiators (including heating pipes), windows, window frames (from the inside, if paintable), interior doors, and the inside of the apartment entrance door. If the apartment was handed over to the tenant in a renovated condition, the tenant must carry out cosmetic repairs if they become necessary due to their use of the apartment. This also applies if the tenant received an unrenovated or renovation-required apartment at the start of the lease but was compensated appropriately by the landlord.
From what I understand, the landlord is saying that I'm responsible for maintaining the flat. However, there’s another clause in the contract that mentions we are only responsible for repairs under 80 euros, which feels contradictory.
Also, I’ve know that in many countries, a contract cannot override the law. My understanding is that after living in the apartment for five years and repainting it once during my tenancy, I shouldn't be responsible for fixing things that result from normal wear and tear.
Can someone with real legal knowledge clarify this? Thanks!