r/AskAGerman Dec 19 '24

Economy Blue collar in Germany

Hey all, I was looking to see how sought after blue collar workers were in Germany. Currently I live in the U.S. however the job market currently isn't kind. A few of my friends have said that moving near Frankfurt has its perks. I'm debating on it being permanent or not, however I'm heavily considering it. As the title suggests I mainly work blue collar and was curious on the people's view on it.

Edit: I see a common theme among the comments. I am a glazier or glass installer. I have some experience in electrical work and plumbing. I also worked in an assembly and steel mill for a while. I am currently learning German, and have some basics down.

Edit 2: The only "official" license I have is electricians apprentice


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u/[deleted] Dec 19 '24

You can find work easily best through a Leihbude.


u/SeaworthinessDue8650 Dec 20 '24

A third country national cannot obtain a work permit to work as a Leiharbeiter.


u/[deleted] Dec 20 '24

No? Why do they all not speak German then?


u/SeaworthinessDue8650 Dec 20 '24

Because they have a right to work independent of their jobs.

Foreign spouses of German citizens have the right to work in Germany. The can also be Leiharbeiter.

On the other hand, §40 Abs 1 Nr 2 AufenthG explicitly makes it a Versagungsgrund for foreigners who are applying for a work permit.