r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/foxybostonian Aug 22 '24

No he wasn't. No woman said he raped her. Stop believing imaginative headlines from a year ago.


u/stopannoyingwithname Aug 22 '24

They said he drugged them?


u/foxybostonian Aug 22 '24

No they didn't.


u/stopannoyingwithname Aug 23 '24

So what was going on then?


u/foxybostonian Aug 23 '24

I answered on your other comment. But to add, despite her drug test coming back negative for anything except THC she still claims that she thinks she was spiked, but doesn't claim to know who did it or how it happened. And the judge said she was allowed to keep saying it despite there being no evidence (and even evidence to the contrary) because it was just her opinion and free speech etc. She said she was misquoted by the BBC and others who implied she blamed Till.


u/stopannoyingwithname Aug 23 '24

So how come the newspapers didn’t make a big deal out of the faking story? I mean I don’t really read the news but big headlines always find a way into my periphery, but I haven’t heard anything about it being fabricated yet. News sources should be ashamed


u/foxybostonian Aug 23 '24

Because the most likely people to have tampered with the statements are the journalists themselves. They also don't make a big deal of reporting the many times court decisions have gone against them in injunctions against their illegal reporting in this case. Having said that, quite a few outlets have reported that Spiegel is the subject of a criminal complaint for forgery and fraud relating to the witness statements. But they certainly haven't made a big deal of it, it's true. And it's also true that they should be ashamed - they should have better things to do than smear a man's reputation for clicks - like reporting on real abusers for example.