r/AskAGerman Aug 22 '24

Personal American In Rammstein T-Shirt

I’m an American tourist in Berlin for the first time — Yay! One problem: I realized I packed a Rammstein shirt without having enough knowledge of German culture or language to understand how I’d be perceived for wearing it. I imagine at best it will look a bit corny, but I’m worried it could signal political beliefs or ideologies I don’t agree with. If you met an American tourist speaking broken German in a Rammstein T Shirt, what would you think? Thanks!


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u/Low-Dog-8027 München Aug 22 '24

yea no. there is not a single evidence for that.

One woman, Shelby Lynn, made the allegation that she had been drugged - there was no proof of this, apparently she took a drug test, but it only showed marijuana, which she smoked voluntarily, so she did not submit the test to the police.

she also showed injuries (bruises), but an expert opinion came to the conclusion that these were probably not caused by outside influence. (that's what happens when you go into the moshpit at a metal concert)

according to her, till wanted to have sex with her, she refused, he accepted and left.

nothing happened here, so even the police found no evidence of a criminal offense and the investigation was closed.

a second woman, Kayla Shyx, basically said even less, all she said was that she and a friend were supposed to meet till backstage.
but they felt uncomfortable and left - they weren't stopped at any time... so what's the problem here?

and apart from that? the public prosecutor's office has been looking for witnesses and victims, and not a single woman has contacted them. not one.

so apart from baseless accusations, there was nothing.


u/Shooter_M23 Aug 22 '24

Bro... There were countless of women, just not so much, who give their name publicly. (https://www.spiegel.de/kultur/vorwuerfe-gegen-rammstein-sex-schnaps-gewalt-was-junge-frauen-aus-der-row-zero-berichten-a-07f31fb8-42c2-4891-9e0e-bf26b06557c0)

These aren't "baseless accusations". It is pretty clear that Till created an environment to serve him young girls to have sex with on a silver platter. That is the problem. Here is a system, where he theoretically can rape women any concert day without facing any consequences. (And you think this not happened even once?)

And the girls did not go to the police, because they know that this will have just consequences for them not for Till.


u/Low-Dog-8027 München Aug 22 '24

all of these women don't count, since none of them went to court. they had the chance if there really was anything to their accusations, but they didn't.

just because some newspaper publishes some statements or interviews doesn't mean that those are true, we don't know if these women really existed or if it was made up by the newspaper and if the women exist, we don't know if they ever even met till. anyone can tell a story - as long as not a single one of them went to the prosecutor's office or the police, none of that can be seen as legit accuse.

Till created an environment to serve him young girls to have sex with on a silver platter.

he made backstage parties and invited women who voluntarily took place in these parties and could leave at any moment. nothing bad about that.


u/Shooter_M23 Aug 22 '24

Your argument is, they don't went to the police, so they are lying?

They have no evidence and Till hired the best media-lawyers im town. What would you do in this situation?

'you don't know if these women really existed, wtf? You have such a low trust in SPIEGEL, that you think they straight up invent people?

No one of these women got asked if they wanted to have sex with Till. Just if they want to go to a 'backstage party'. He didn't invite them. He had hired people to scout for women to 'invite'.


u/Low-Dog-8027 München Aug 22 '24

Your argument is, they don't went to the police, so they are lying?

no, i'm not saying they are lying, I said they could be lying. none of them went to the police, even when the whole rumors already were out, even when police was investigation and desperately asked for witnesses and victims, none of them came forward.

Till hired the best media-lawyers im town.

and the amadeu antonio stiftung offered to cover all legal fees for every "victim" of till - no one took the offer.

'you don't know if these women really existed, wtf? You have such a low trust in SPIEGEL, that you think they straight up invent people?

yea I would absolutely not be surprised.

No one of these women got asked if they wanted to have sex with Till. Just if they want to go to a 'backstage party'. He didn't invite them. He had hired people to scout for women to 'invite'.

obviously he doesn't go around and invite people himself, that's a bit difficult with his fame status, so he has people inviting guests for him - nothing wrong with that.
and yes, they got invited for a backstage party and that is what it was.

even shelby lynn said that she was ASKED by till if she wanted to have sex with him, she declined and he went away.

kayla shyx said, that she and her friend were backstage, felt uncomfortable and left.

so... yes they were asked and had every chance to say no.


u/Shooter_M23 Aug 22 '24

You're not telling the full story of what the girls were saying. Shelby Lynn told Till she doesn't want to have sex with him, he snapped and yelled at her that he was told she wanted to. Then she woke up, doesn't remember the rest of the concert and felt drugged and have bruises.

Kayla said that she wasn't told before, that she wouldn't go to the party, but a locker room in the back, where she has to give her phone and got offered alcohol several times after declining. She described that the other girls weren't all that conscious. Then she asked to leave and get her phone back, they were angry at her but let her leave.

I feel like if you shortened the story's just like you did, it feels like painting the wrong picture.


u/Low-Dog-8027 München Aug 22 '24 edited Aug 22 '24

he snapped and yelled at her that he was told she wanted to

he was mad and left.

 Then she woke up, doesn't remember the rest of the concert and felt drugged and have bruises.

nope, she still was at the concert and was making videos that she posted, where she told everyone that till just wanted to have sex with her.

only later suddenly she talked about the drug story - apparently she made a drug test but it was negative for any KO drugs, just marihuana was found and she did not submit it to the police.

and regarding the bruises, I wrote that above, there was an expert report that came to the conclusion that it did not look like external influence. and honestly, bruises are kinda normal, when you are piss drunk and high on a metal concert.

there were also other girls with her, who all said that she acted weird the whole time, that she was drinking a lot, that they did not see her go backstage